Nikolay Manchev Petrov, Mariya Ivanova Stoyanova, Rajarshi Kumar Gaur, Chapter 12 - Biodiversity and characterization of economically important viruses on potato cultivars, Editor(s): Rajarshi Kumar Gaur, Basavaprabhu L. Patil, Ramasamy Selvarajan, Plant RNA Viruses, Academic Press, 2023, Pages 245-270, ISBN 9780323953399
This content aligns with Goal 15: Life on Earth as it discusses the different viruses that can infect potatoes which are a problem for the quality and the quantity of global potato production which can exacerbate any food security issues.
This Review supports SDGs 2 and 3 by synthesising the evidence on the mechanisms that connect extreme climate events to food insecurity, including events such as drought, change in rainfall patterns, and change in sea levels.
This article supports SDG 2, SDG 3 and SDG 13 by demonstrating the importance of enhancing farmers’ perceptions of of Climate-Smart Agriculture potential to promote environmental stewardship with motivations by demographic, socioeconomic and ecological factors.
Background: A large part of the existential threat associated with climate change is the result of current human feeding patterns.
The results in this paper imply that long-term policies on improving access to education, livestock ownership, and improved water may shape the food security status of rural households in Northern Kenya.
Examines whether and how online food delivery improves equity. Indicates that local residents' divergent needs of online and onsite services should be simultaneously accounted for to address the equity issues and improve the service accessibility of socially disadvantaged groups.
This Article supports SDG 3 by revealing high levels of household food insecurity among people with disabilities in Brazil. The Continuous Cash Benefit, a social security payment made to people with disabilities, was noted to be an important contributor to food security in this population.
We observe the link between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We use automated methodologies to find insights and overlaps between AI and the SDGs. AI-Ethics frameworks need to give more attention to Society and Environment areas. Inclusive action is needed to balance the efforts for solving SDGs by using AI.SDGs 13, 14, and 15 (all related to the Environment area) are not sufficiently addressed.
This paper concludes that ASF (animal-source foods) production generally has a large environmental impact; yet, when produced at an appropriate scale and in accordance with local ecosystems and contexts, livestock can play an important role in circular and diverse agroecosystems that, in certain circumstances, can help restore biodiversity and degraded land, mitigate Green House Gas emissions from food production, and contribute to food security and nutrition for populations worldwide.
This study contributes to Goal 2 - Zero Hunger beacuse it shows that gradual increases in CO2 will decrease the amount of calories supplied by starch in rice-based diets, therefore potentially having an impact causing hunger all over the world if further increases in CO2 in the frame of climate change are not prevented.