South America

This papers shows that deforestation negatively affects orchid bee species diversity and that protected areas house the highest richness and abundance of orchid bees.
This paper supports SDG 3 by providing further evidence of the trend of increased self-harm notifications and suicide rates in Brazil, suggesting the need for a greater allocation of resources to strategies to prevent self-harm and suicide.
Proper regulation is essential to ensure that such a system benefited those in need, and that those who provided organs are properly compensated. Without significant policy changes, however, far too many patients will continue to languish on waiting lists until they run out of time. The goal of SDG3 is that everyone should have a good health and well-being.
This Series paper supports SDGs 3 and 10 by describing health-care coverage and quality across the four countries, quantifying inequalities in these outcomes by socioeconomic status within country, and assessing the contribution of government, social security, and private health sectors to observed inequality.
Human health, in the coming decades (and already in some “front-running” regions), is in peril. Although some authorities warn that over-stating such risks can induce paralysis and despair, under-stating them will not generate the intense action that is required. The impact of climate change on the Earth system is now so significant that the next ice age will likely be delayed by at least 50,000 years [201]. If humans do not rapidly change their collective behavior, then this may be their most enduring legacy. It is hoped that this chapter makes a small contribution to SDG3.
The persistent challenge of aligning mental health services and practices with the principles of the National Mental Health Law remains a central objective.

The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Volume 26, October 2023

This paper supports SDG 3 and 10 by documenting the high suicide rates among Indigenous people, and younger individuals in particular (aged between 10 and 24) in Brazil, reinforcing the need for specific prevention strategies for these populations.

The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Volume 26, October 2023

This paper discusses the burden of the high suicide rates in Guiana - the highest in the world; discussing the complexities of the context and the importance of adopting a biopsychosocial perspective to suicide prevention.

Manson's Tropical Diseases (Twentyfourth Edition), 2024, Pages 11-19

With a pressing climate emergency and increasing interconnectedness, the need for action on health at a global level is greater than ever. Achieving Universal Health Coverage with a strong base in primary healthcare is essential. This must be accompanied by policies to address the socioeconomic and environmental determinants of ill health, supporting SDG3.

Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Practice, How AI Technologies Impact Medical Research and Clinics

2024, Pages 395-399

To harness the power and promise of AI in global health, adequate investment must be made in communication, computer systems, and supporting personnel to collect, curate, and manage the data necessary to enable benefits and minimize harm from the use of AI-related tools. In developed countries, this has either occurred or is underway. Developing countries run the risk of widening the digital divide if this does not occur. This chapter supports SDG3.
