This Article supports SDGs 3 and 13,by presenting evidence on how COVID 19 and climate change have a negative impact on the mental health of youth.

Promoting Desired Lifestyles Among Adults with Severe Autism and Intellectual Disabilities
Person Centered Applications of Behavior Analysis
2023, Pages 275-293

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by stressing the importance of human service staff treating adults with severe disabilities with dignity.

Promoting Desired Lifestyles Among Adults with Severe Autism and Intellectual Disabilities
Person Centered Applications of Behavior Analysis
2023, Pages 139-163

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by providing specific aspects of agency supports and services in accordance with identified preferences of adults with severe disabilities.

Promoting Desired Lifestyles Among Adults with Severe Autism and Intellectual Disabilities
Person Centered Applications of Behavior Analysis
2023, Pages 3-14

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by discussing the importance of promoting desired lifestyles among adults with severe autism and intellectual disabilities, and how the operations of many adult service agencies fail to promote individually desired lifestyles.
To mark the 50th Anniversary of World Environment Day on 5 June 2023, Elsevier proudly presents a curated list of publicly available journal articles and book chapters in support of this year's theme “Solutions to Plastics Pollution”. Please share and download.

Essential Human Virology (Second Edition), 2023, Pages 209-230

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing by providing an overview of the human immunodeficiency virus

Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Volume 88, June 2023

This article highlights the risks of a polluted environment on our health, especially reproductive health and female fertility.
This study engages a broad group of stakeholders to develop a consensus-based research agenda for mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) interventions in humanitarian settings.
Explores gender differences in the interactions between people's travel behaviour and their mental health. Suggests policies and strategies that policy-makers and planners could use to promote better mental health specifically among either male or female populations.
This Article supports SDG 3 by examining the relationship between BMI and mental health in a large dataset of adolescents in the UK, finding this relationship to be mediated by happiness with appearance and self esteem. The authors note that greater emphasis should be placed in school cirricula, advertising, and social media on promoting healthy body image and self esteem and reducing weight stigma.
