This Viewpoint supports SDGs 3 and 10 by arguing that greater attention and emphasis should be placed on children with developmental disabilities in early childhood development strategies, which would necessitate funding and investment specifically for this patient population.

Brain and Spine,
Volume 2,

EUROSPINE, the Spine Society of Europe, and EANS, the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies and its members remain committed to the promotion of brain and spine health and education, and are ramping up efforts to find ways to address and reduce the suffering.
Background: A few studies have reported an increased risk of birth defects (BD) with maternal exposure to nitrate in drinking water.
Background: Air pollution is a risk factor for poor cognitive function, while a plant-based dietary pattern is associated with better cognitive function.
Objective: To develop a new scoring system that more accurately predicts 30-day mortality in patients with alcohol-associated hepatitis (AH).
Background: Many residents of the Bronx are from West Africa where chronic hepatitis B is endemic.

Background: Numerous studies have quantified the associations between ambient temperature and enteric infections, particularly all-cause enteric infections.

Winery by-products used for health benefits.

The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Volume 10, 2022, 100222

This study supports SDG 3 and 10 by discussing possible determinants of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Brazilian health system through the lenses of health system resilience and geographical inequalities. The findings show that lack of proper planning to improve resilience resulted in the decrease of a quarter of the amount of health-care procedures, increasing already existing health disparities in the country and highlighting the need to allocate resources in socioeconomically vulnerable regions to reduce avoidable deaths.
