
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 377, 16 September 2022

This article brings us a step closer to bringing clean drinking water to the world by detecting key harmful microbes.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 16 by measuring the rate of heart transplantation among Black and White waitlist candidates. The findings suggest that transplantation rates, as well as the rate of delisting for death or clinical deterioration, has worsened for Black candidates compared with White candidates, and that the causes for this disparity require further study.
This chapter aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and Goal 15: Life on Land by describing effective and compassionate end of life care for dogs to promote companion animal welfare.
This Article supports SDG 3 by highlighting that a substantial proportion of dementia in First Nations peoples in Far North Queensland could potentially be prevented, as half of the burden of dementia in this population may be attributed to 11 potentially modifiable risk factors.
This paper highlights that despite living in a rich biodiverse food environment, there was poor access to diverse food sources and suboptimal consumption of balanced diets among Munda tribal women, thus contributing to high nutrient inadequacies. However, women who had better Indigenous Food (IF) consumption and dietary diversity demonstrated better nutrient intakes, especially for micronutrients. The paper is specific to Munda women of Jharkhand and may not be generalizable but the factors that affected the food consumption and nutritional status in this community, could help in understanding the contribution of the IF environment in addressing malnutrition of other indigenous communities living in similar geographical terrains of India.
Indigenous peoples in Canada are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and current research suggests that gaps most prominently present as delays in receiving care and as poorer long-term outcomes.

Febrile Seizures (Second Edition)
New Concepts and Consequences
2023, Pages 43-63

This content links with Goal 3: Good health and well-being and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by providing important insights informing basic mechanisms underlying febrile seizures.
With the aging global population, the relationship between older people and their residential environments is increasingly important. This relationship is based on the match between the individual characteristics of a person, their needs and expectations, and the characteristics of their environment. By creating access to various health improvement factors and exposure to various risk factors, the conditions under which an individual ages can be modified. This helps to accelerate or decelerate the process of incapacitation that individuals undergo as they age. This can also reduce or reinforce socio-spatial inequalities, which underlie the preponderant role of territory and spatial policies in the prevention and promotion of healthy aging. This chapters supports the process for developing the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020 – 2030) aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG3).

The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, Volume 10, September 2022

This Comment supports SDG 3 by highlighting the environmental and endocrine healths harms from plastics and the need to reduce production and use of plastics. It describes the launch of negotiations to produce a global treaty aimed at achieving this goal.

Cardio-Hepatology: Connections Between Hepatic and Cardiovascular Disease, 2023, Pages 123-132

Chronic right-sided heart failure has deleterious effects on many organ systems, and the liver is no exception.
