The Psychology of Gender and Health: Conceptual and Applied Global Concerns, 2017, Pages 199-229
Violence against women is a growing area of study in development because it is directly related to the health and psychological consequences associated with victims. Contributing to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter provides a summary of the main strategies that have been proposed to combat this problem by different international and European organizations, with particular attention to the specific application that has been carried out in Spain.
The Psychology of Gender and Health: Conceptual and Applied Global Concerns, 2017, Pages 343-361
This chapter advances SDG 5 on gender equality by considering the origins of mainstreaming as a national policy initiative in England, describing the initiatives promoted and reflecting on both the progress that was made and its limitations.
The Psychology of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior: Victim and Offender Perspectives, 2017, Pages 343-359
Contributing to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter discusses the importance that those dealing with domestic violence are well trained to recognise the warning signs, behaviors, and circumstances that are associated with domestic violence and its various incarnations, as well as the psychological, social, and physical consequences of this form of victimization.
Handbook of Cannabis and Related Pathologies, Biology, Pharmacology, Diagnosis, and Treatment, 2017, Pages 131-137
This chapter advances SDG 5, Gender Equality, by exploring the gender differences among individuals with cannabis use disorder.
Contributing to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter examines interpersonal relationships as a motivation for suicide.
To advance Goal 5, this webinar highlights the need for businesses to create economic opportunities for young women around the world.
Including gender in scientific research will maximise the impact of that research. SciDev’s new online course is designed to help students understand why gender is such an important component of research. It also explores the implications for science and global policy agendas, including the climate change agreements and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This course explores the importance of gender (SDG 5) in science and research (SDG 4).
This paper explores the importance of a diverse workforce for the legal profession. City law firms are losing female talent because these careers have been unable to accommodate flexible working. Setting the business case for a diverse workforce and highlighting cost-effective resource options for law firms, this report helps to advance SDG 5 within the legal profession.
The Women's Empowerment Principles Gap Analysis Tool (WEPs Tool) helps companies benchmark their performance against the 7 WEPs Principles. It helps companies discover their contributions to improve gender equality and identifies areas that need improvement. This tool directly helps to advance SDG 5. The WEPS, a joint initiative of UN Global Compact and UN Women, were developed in 2010 to provide a holistic framework to empower women and girls in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
The Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs aims to inspire all business — regardless of size, sector or geography — to take leading action in support of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It illustrates how the five leadership qualities of Ambition, Collaboration, Accountability, Consistency, and Intentional can be applied to a business' strategy, business model, products, supply chain, partnerships, and operations to raise the bar and create impact at scale. The Blueprint is a tool for any business that is ready to advance its principled approach to SDG action to become a leader. This chapter relates specifically to SDG 5.