The authors analyse global patterns of green water fluxes (key for sustaining crops) and blue water fluxes (water that sustains aquatic ecosystems). They show that green fluxes are beginning to dominate, elevating blue water vulnerability.
The authors explore the impacts of the virtual water trade (i.e. water used in the production of agricultural products). The authors find that increasing trade of agricultural products could lead to significant water savings.
The authors introduce a new method for wastewater management. OCTOPUS merges individual treatment plants into one, leading to significant cost savings.
This Comment article supports SDG 3, 6, and 16 by highlighting the structural and commercial determinants of water crises and their effects on health, and calls for international cooperation and solidarity to address power asymmetry, inequalities, and unaffordable access to water, putting human rights at the core of the water agenda.
The role of estrogen and ferroptosis in Alzheimer's disease is known. Ginseng has estrogen-like effects as well as a regulatory role in Alzheimer's disease and iron metabolism and this paper discusses for the frist time the link between ginseng, ferroptosis, and Alzheimer's disease.
This Comment article supports SDG 3 and 10 by calling on all countries to urgently prioritise strengthening resilient and equitable health systems to achieve universal health coverage, framing universal health coverage as a matter of health, rights, and justice, as well as a key enabler of human security.
This Viewpoint supports SDG 3 and 10 by describing the health effects of settler colonial erasure and racial capitalist exploitation, arguing that widespread epistemic and material injustice, long noted by marginalised communities, is more apparent and challengeable with the consistent application of these two frameworks.
Hepatitis A virus-cellular receptor 2 (HAVCR2) mutation can be detected in hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), which is associated with good prognosis.
This article supports SDG 3 by improving diagnostic capabilities for hepatitis E virus in blood donors.
This study contributes to SDG 3 by addressing safety improvements in hepatitis B treatment regimens.