Health and population

Health and population dynamics are intertwined, embodying an intricate relationship with significant implications on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Health is fundamentally at the center of these 17 global goals, aimed to transform the world by 2030. Specifically, Goal 3 endeavors to "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages." It acknowledges that health is pivotal to human life quality, social cohesion, and sustainable development. Inextricably linked to this are the complexities of population dynamics, including growth rates, age structure, fertility and mortality rates, and migration patterns.

With the world's population projected to exceed 9.7 billion by 2050, the pressure on health systems will undoubtedly escalate. The demographic transition, with an aging population and an increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases, poses new challenges for health systems globally. Additionally, areas with high fertility rates often overlap with extreme poverty, resulting in heightened health risks, including higher maternal and child mortality rates, malnutrition, and infectious diseases.

Moreover, rapid urbanization and migration present both opportunities and threats to health. While urban areas may provide better access to healthcare, they also harbor risks of disease transmission, air and water pollution, and social determinants of health like inadequate housing and social inequality. Simultaneously, migrants often face disproportionate health risks due to unstable living conditions, exploitation, and limited access to healthcare services.

Achieving the SDGs will necessitate comprehensive approaches that consider the intricate interplay of health and population dynamics. It means strengthening health systems, promoting universal health coverage, and addressing social determinants of health. It also implies crafting policies that recognize demographic realities and foster an environment conducive to sustainable development. Only by understanding and harnessing these dynamics can the world meaningfully progress towards realizing the SDGs, ensuring healthy lives and well-being for all.


Hepatic Fibrosis, Mechanisms and Targets, 2022, Pages 175-192

This chapter aligns with the SDG goal 3 of good health and wellbeing by showing the evolution of chronic viral hepatitis from fibrosis, to cirrhosis, and to hepatocellular carcinoma.
This chapter aligns with the SDG goal 3 of good health and wellbeing by showing the role of the IFITM1 protein in the hepatitis dynamics, obtaining the clearance state when overexpressed.
This research has some implications for the research community. First, an implication from our result is that there is an inverse relationship between change in mobility and COVID- 19 variables. Second, it can be observed that the implementation of stringent policy measures on different forms of mobility helped in reducing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; however, with the increased stringency index, there was an adverse impact on people's mental health around the globe.
This chapter provides a systematic review of the current literature investigating COVID-19's impact on mental well-being, as well as studies that explore machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to detect and treat mental illnesses when traditional therapies are unavailable due to lockdown and social distancing norms imposed.
This Review supports SDGs 3 and 6, focusing on the complex ways that multiple factors interact during droughts to influence HIV treatment adherence. The authors suggest that economic and livelihood challenges resulting from food and water insecurity during droughts have the biggest impact on adherence.
Background: Hepatitis C is a preventable and treatable disease that has been declared a public health problem. In 2012, the prevalence of HCV serum anti-bodies in the Mexican adult population aged 20 to 49 years was 0·30%. Methods: We randomly selected a probabilistic sub-sample of 12,389 adults (20+ years) from adults participating in the National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT) 2018 who provided a venous blood sample. Anti-HCV antibodies and HCV RNA were determined for this sub-sample.
Background: In autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), clinical practice and treatment guidelines frequently diverge as a reflection of disease heterogeneity and challenges in achieving standardised care. We sought to explore the utility of multiparametric (mp) MR in patients with AIH, and the impact of this technology on physicians’ decision making and intended patient management. Methods: 82 AIH patients, recruited from two sites between June and November 2019 as part of an observational cohort study, underwent non-contrast MRI alongside their standard clinical investigations.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been recognized as a key technology in energy systems decarbonization. However, numerous attempts to deploy CCS failed, and the technology is still viewed as pre-commercial. Consequently, public investment in CCS has been largely limited to research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) in capture technology.
An Article in support of SDGs 2 and 10, analysing global inequalities in the double burden of malnutrition and its association with economic and social globalisation, showing that the probability of the double burden of malnutrition at the household level differs across country income and household wealth.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of complete decongestive therapy (CDT) in patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL), in regard to volume reduction, functional status and quality of life (QoL). In th context of SDG Goal 3, the study found that phase 1 CDT in a combined manner performed daily for 3 weeks, greatly reduces the volumes as well as improves the disability and QoL, especially when performed earlier.
