
J. Indu, Akhilesh S. Nair, Ankita Pradhan, Rohit Mangla, Sooraj Krishnan, Kaushlendra Verma, Vinayak Huggannavar; Radar Remote Sensing, 2022, Pages 123-148

This chapter contributes to SDG 6 by using radar remote sensing to measure terrestrial water budget elements such as precipitation, soil moisture, and surface water levels.
Selection of appropriate material type and colour-tone, together with the provision of shade can remove the hazard risk for contact skin burns from outdoor playgrounds. Results of this work will assist playground designers and managers to provide safer places for our children to play longer in increasingly warmer summers.
The research suggests that even though Street View and remotely sensed measures capture different aspects of greenness, these differences across exposure metrics did not translate into an association with mental health outcomes.
The findings suggest that providing characteristics of ‘nature’, ‘refuge’, and ‘prospect’ in urban green spaces (UGSs) may provide restorative effects and mental benefits to teenagers.

Metals and Metalloids in Soil-Plant-Water Systems: Phytophysiology and Remediation Techniques, Volume , 1 January 2022

This chapter contributes to SDG 6 by providing up-to-date information on microbial mechanisms for removing metals from contaiminated soils and water.

Wajid Umar, Muhammad Zia ur Rehman, Muhammad Umair, Muhammad Ashar Ayub, Asif Naeem, Muhammad Rizwan, Husnain Zia, Rama Rao Karri,

Chapter 10 - Use of nanotechnology for wastewater treatment: potential applications, advantages, and limitations,

Editor(s): Janardhan Reddy Koduru, Rama Rao Karri, Nabisab Mujawar Mubarak, Erick R. Bandala,

In Micro and Nano Technologies,

Sustainable Nanotechnology for Environmental Remediation,



Pages 223-272,

ISBN 978012824547

This chapter contributes to SDG 6 by providing up-to-date information on microbial mechanisms for removing metals from contaiminated soils and water.
The objective of this paper is to critically analyse the innovative passive nZEB building concept ‘2226’ regarding its climate impact via the initial prototype building ‘be 2226’.
The Philippine government included the health impacts of climate change as a priority area for research funding. An analysis of stakeholders was done to assist the government in engaging research and government stakeholders in producing climate change and health research.
This paper discussed the development and testing of a gamma radiation dose rate calculation model for the marine environment, and evaluates the potential use for such a model in both short term nuclear emergency response management and emergency response planning.

Urban Governance, Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2021, Pages 81-88


Cities are at the forefront of the global challenges of climate change. Compared to other urban problems, the complexity and uncertainty of climate change presents new governance challenges.
