this RCT attempts to incentivise fruits and vegetables purchase in India where the sector is largetly unorganised.The authors find that even though unorganised, the retailers were willing to participate in such a scheme which could have a widespread effect on population consumption pattern.
This study investigates three Mediterranean coastal lagoons to study harmful algae and pathogens on plastic debris.
This review will spur more investigations on microplastic ingestion in historical specimens to establish reference points and determine temporal trends for microplastic pollution of the environment.
This study is a long-term monitoring study in which inter-seasonal relations are established. Thus, the spread of MP pollution in the region during the year was provided by an important bio-indicator.
This study provides significant information on the occurrence and composition of MPs in the Tampico beach, in addition, we compared the abundance of MPs of this study with similar studies from different parts of the world.
This article advances SDG # 13, 1 and 11 by identifying ways to meet the dual objectives of poverty eradication and staying within the biophysical safe operating space of the climate via integrated policy packages supporting strong economic development, ambitious educational attendance, sustainable dietary choices, low fossil fuel consumption and energy demand, and lower fertilizer consumption.
Explores the problems faced by persons with disabilities while using public transport in Lahore, Pakistan, and how these problems influence their choice of mode of transport. Makes recommendations for transport policies and future research.
How cities dealt with food in the past, ultimately lessons for the present and future.
This article supports SDG # 3, 11 and 13 showing how even in wealthy countries, climate change is causing an acceleration of extremely costly disasters, and the authors provide a framework for disaster risk reduction that is applicable to climate change.
This paper focuses on the impact of epidemic situation on carbon emissions in different provinces of China and provide different emission reduction directions and measures for carbon emission research in different provinces.
