Degrowth scholars and activists have convincingly argued that degrowth in developed nations will need to be part of a global effort to tackle climate change, and to preserve the conditions for future
Currently, renewable energy is rapidly developing across the world in response to technical, economic and environmental developments, as well as political and social initiatives.

The future role of stationary electricity storage is perceived as highly uncertain. One reason is that most studies into the future cost of storage technologies focus on investment cost.


Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (Second Edition), 2019, Pages 653-660

Explores the links between climate change, human health, and human rights—focusing on the human right to health. Examines the current state of the international debate surrounding the human right to health. The goal of SDG target 13 is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Design and Operation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: The Systems Engineering Vision for Industrial Application, Volume , 1 January 2019

This book chapter advances SDG goals 7, 13, and 11 by examining the use of solid oxide fuel cells in land, marine, and aerial vehicles as a replacement for carbon emitting fossil fuel engines.
To advance goal 12 and 13, this report provides guidance on the “ambition loop” — a positive feedback loop in which bold Government policies and private sector leadership reinforce each other, and together, take climate action to the next level.
While most businesses understand and recognize their responsibility for the health and safety of their employees, few have connected the dots between their business actions and health outcomes in the market place, in society more generally and in the supply chain. This report outlines concrete actions for companies to embed health and empowerment in their policies, systems, and operations, advancing SDGs 3, 8 and 13.

Foundations for Sustainability, A Coherent Framework of Life-Environment Relations, 2019, Pages 1-25

Contributing to SDGs 13, 14 and 15, this introductory chapter presents theory and applications rigorously rooted in science, and we modify the foundations of science so the ground is fertile to nurture the roots of the theory and actions the authors see as necessary to solve the human-environment crisis.

Foundations for Sustainability, A Coherent Framework of Life-Environment Relations, 2019, Pages 27-47

Contributing to SDGs 13, 14 and 15, the authors describe a set of principles, and related goals, mission, and ultimate purpose, for a new science that serves life and humanity.

Foundations for Sustainability, A Coherent Framework of Life-Environment Relations, 2019, Pages 205-230

Contributing to SDGs 13, 14 and 15, this chapter explores technology and applications with break-through capacity to contribute solutions to the systemic human-environment problem.
