Thanks to fast learning and sustained growth, solar photovoltaics (PV) is today a highly cost-competitive technology, ready to contribute substantially to CO2 emissions mitigation.
Urban regions in sub-Saharan Africa are growing significantly more rapid than their also growing rural counterparts.
Over the years, chemical pre-treatments have been used intensively to maintain apple quality and reduce decay during postharvest.

Trends in Food Science and Technology, Volume 111, May 2021

Background: Coffee is of the most traded commodities in the world and its market has grown regularly over the last 150 years.

Food production on our planet is dominantly based on agricultural practices developed during stable Holocene climatic conditions.

The review examined the potential of renewable and non-renewable energy resources and the current state of exploitation in Kenya.
This book chapter addresses SDG 11 and 13 by showcasing the existing gaps in SDG progress in Asia and how this has challenged the region to hardly achieve the 2030 targets for any of the 17 Goals.
This book chapter advances SDGs 13 and 15 by presenting the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and approaches in conservation-related challenges.

The Impacts of Climate Change, A Comprehensive Study of Physical, Biophysical, Social, and Political Issues, 2021, Pages 537-545

This chapter supports SDGs 3, 16, and 13 by exploring the growing situation of “climate refugees," people displaced throughout the world because of extreme weather events or other climate change factors.

The Impacts of Climate Change, A Comprehensive Study of Physical, Biophysical, Social, and Political Issues, 2021, Pages 3-17

In this book, a few topics have been chosen to highlight the impacts of climate change on the physical and biophysical aspects of the planet. This introduction looks at the origins and the physics and chemistry of global warming and lets the science tell us just how serious a position our ecosystem and our society is in.
