This chapter aligns with Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and Goal 13: Climate Action by exploring the potential of AI in facilitating agricultural water management in the context of climate change and water scarcity.

Priya Kanwar, Kanwar P. Singh. Chapter 4 - Impact of climate change on water resources,
Editor(s): Ashwani Kumar Tiwari, Amit Kumar, Abhay Kumar Singh, T.N. Singh, Enrico Suozzi, Gagan Matta, Stefano Lo Russo,
Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research,
Volume 5,
Pages 45-57                                             

This important chapter discusses the impact of climate change on water resources, and the measures adopted by various government agencies and NGOs trying to cope with the growing challenges. It advances SDG 13 by pointing out actionable goals and strategies.
This chapter advances UN SDG goals 11 and 13 by examining the current state of CO2 capture and conversion technologies and their deployment at the industrial scale to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions.
This chapter advances UN SGD goals 11 and 13 by providing introductory knowledge on urbanization trends and their implications in the context of global environmental change, as well as highlighting major challenges to be addressed and the need for disruptive smart solutions.
This chapter advances UN SGD goals 11 and 13 by introducing the concepts of climate change adaptation and mitigation and depicting the scale of challenges that need to be addressed.

Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Microplastics and Nanoplastics: Occurrence, Environmental Impacts and Treatment Processes, 2023, Pages 387-403

This chapter aligns with Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation, Goal 13: Climate action, and Goal 14: Life below water by providing an overview of the state of knowledge of interactions between climate change and MPs/NPs.

Wind Turbine Icing Physics and Anti-/De-icing Technology, Wind Energy Engineering, 2022, Pages 135-168

This chapter contributes to SDG goals 7, 11, and 13, by explaining advanced techniques for wind turbine icing mitigation, supporting improved performance and durability of wind turbines, a crucial renewable energy source for sustainable development and climate objectives.

New Aspects of Meat Quality (Second Edition): From Genes to Ethics, Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, 2022, Pages 533-557

Insects are becoming an increasingly attractive option as a sustainable food source, both for humans and animals. This chapter covers this growing area of interest in the research community as well as the challenges of farming and harvesting insects for food.
This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 7, 11, and 12 by defining the three fundamental strategic priorities of sustainable energy management: exploitation of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and risk management, and presenting the basic model for risk management in the field of sustainable energy management.
Climate adaptation and mitigation strategies aim at strengthening existing food systems and infrastructure of agro-ecosystems, to make them more resilient to the effects of climate-led adversities.
