Despite a significant increase in research and practise linking corporate social responsibility (CSR) and human resource management (HRM), a comprehensive examination of the relationship between th
The Elsevier Foundation partners with the IMC WeekendSchool in Amsterdam to supporting tech outreach through science, health and tech enrichment programs for under-served 10-14 years old. Aligning with SDG target 10, Quality Education, the partnership aims to help children get greater exposure to science education.
At the UN in New York the Open Working Group created by the UN General Assembly proposed a set of global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which comprises 17 goals and 169 targets.
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United Nations UniversityUnited Nations University, New York, June 2016.
Contributing to SDGs 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), this concept note explores an integrated approach for the international drug control regime.
Sustainability transitions have been studied as complex multi-level processes, but we still know relatively little about how they can be effectively governed, especially in transnational domains.
UNGC Executive Director Lise Kingo discusses the ten principles and how companies can advance the 17 global goals.
Linking to SDG 17, this microsite features Project Breakthrough tools, intelligence and examples, including a series of video interviews, cases, interactive mappings, topic briefs and opinion blogs to advance all the SDGs.
This webinar explores how taxation is steadily rising on the corporate sustainability agenda and links to Goal 10 and Goal 17.
Linking to Goal 17, this report finds that fiduciary duty is not an obstacle to asset owner action on ESG factors. This report looks at fiduciary duty across eight markets (US, Canada, UK, Germany, Brazil, Australia, Japan and South Africa).
Partner content
United Nations Global CompactUnited Nations Global Compact, 2016
Linking to Goal 17, this report supports Asset Owners, including their Board of Trustees and Executives, in the development and formulation of their investment strategy.