Health and wellbeing

Health and well-being have a central role in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) endorsed by the United Nations, emphasizing the integral part they play in building a sustainable future. The third SDG explicitly calls for ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages. This goal encompasses a wide range of health objectives, from reducing maternal and child mortality rates, combatting disease epidemics, to improving mental health and well-being. But beyond SDG 3, health is intrinsically linked with almost all the other goals.

When addressing SDG 1, which aims to end poverty, one cannot neglect the social determinants of health. Economic hardship often translates into poor nutrition, inadequate housing, and limited access to health care, leading to a vicious cycle of poverty and poor health. Similarly, achieving SDG 2, ending hunger, also contributes to better health through adequate nutrition, essential for physical and mental development and the prevention of various diseases.

Conversely, the repercussions of climate change, encapsulated in SDG 13, profoundly impact health. Rising global temperatures can lead to increased spread of infectious diseases, compromised food and water supplies, and increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, all posing severe health risks. Conversely, the promotion of good health can also mitigate climate change through the reduction of carbon-intensive lifestyles and adoption of healthier, more sustainable behaviors.

SDG 5, advocating for gender equality, also has substantial health implications. Ensuring women's access to sexual and reproductive health services not only improves their health outcomes, but also contributes to societal and economic development. Furthermore, achieving SDG 4, quality education, is also critical for health promotion. Education fosters health literacy, empowering individuals to make informed health decisions, hence improving overall community health.

Lastly, SDG 17 underlines the importance of partnerships for achieving these goals. Multi-sector collaboration is vital to integrate health considerations into all policies and practices. Stakeholders from various sectors, including health, education, agriculture, finance, and urban planning, need to align their efforts in creating sustainable environments that foster health and well-being.

Hence, the relationship between health, well-being, and the SDGs is reciprocal. Improving health and well-being helps in achieving sustainable development, and vice versa. In this context, health and well-being are not just outcomes but are also powerful enablers of sustainable development. For the world to truly thrive, it must recognize and act upon these interconnections.

This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by reviewing the extant literature on autophagy in AD and covers recent progress on the molecular mechanisms of NAD+-dependent mitophagy/autophagy regulation and mechanisms underlying the anti-AD potential of NAD+. Further studies to define the NAD+-mitophagy/autophagy axis may shed light on novel therapeutics to treat AD and potentially provide insights into other neurodegenerative diseases.

Assessments, Treatments and Modeling in Aging and Neurological Disease: The Neuroscience of Aging, Volume , 1 January 2021

This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by reviewing the use of nonhuman primates as a viable model of aging and neurodegeneration research.
This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by providing therapeutic strategies that can be employed in clinical trials for AD in DS will be discussed as well as their underlying scientific rationale.
This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by reviewing deep brain stimulation as a treatment for AD patients, reviewing the recent studies and issues associated with the treatment.
This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by providing a brief history of PET imaging and the radiotracers that have had a significant impact for measuring the three signature AD-related neuropathologies related to AD and provides an overview of the research utilizing PET imaging in the DS population
This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by discussing the advantages of performing genetic studies in people with DS, and then discussing the role of reported genes that are known to be associated with AD risk in adults with DS or in the general population. It also discusses how future longitudinal multiomic and imaging study can enhance our understanding of the biology of AD.

Alzheimer’s Disease: Understanding Biomarkers, Big Data, and Therapy, Volume , 1 January 2021

This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by discussing the operational aspects of deep learning solutions for Alzheimer’s disease, including the review of the advantages and limitations of using deep learning, and future directions on the applications of deep learning to Alzheimer’s disease.

Human Sexuality, Function, Dysfunction, Paraphilias, and Relationships, 2021, Pages 63-105

Includes factors contributing to a fulfilling sexual relationship, gender differences in sexual behavior, sexuality and culture, affect, sexual toys and masturbation and their relation to sexual enjoyment, and sexuality in the 21st century. Supports the goal of SDG target 3.7: By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes
This book chapter advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG10 Reducing Inequalities by examining the role caregivers provide as a critical source of care for people living with disabilities and chronic conditions.

Handbook of Advanced Approaches Towards Pollution Prevention and Control, 2021, Pages 281-305

This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 6 by explaining why SDG goals toward clean water are so essential to those targeting good health.
