
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health by exploring the systemic nature of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its associations with other physical and mental health issues, emphasizing the need for comprehensive treatment approaches that address various underlying factors, including autonomic dysfunction and neuroinflammation. By proposing new targets for treatment, the chapter promotes a more holistic understanding of ADHD that can lead to improved health outcomes for affected individuals. Additionally, it supports Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by highlighting the importance of recognizing and addressing the complex interplay of conditions that often accompany ADHD, ensuring that all individuals receive equitable and effective care tailored to their unique health needs, regardless of their background or circumstances.
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing by explaining the different contributions to the mitochondrial toxic profile produced either by the virus or by the antiretroviral treatment.
Approximately 15 per cent of the world's population live with some form of disability and 80 per cent live in developing countries. This Special collection aims to highlight this important issue and hopefully provide measures towards an inclusive and supported environment for all irrespective of disability. All book chapters and journal articles are free to download and share.

Energy and Climate Change, Volume 4, December 2023

The importance of an updating of fundamental energy law to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 in the energy sector.

Safeguarding Mountain Social-Ecological Systems, A Global Challenge: Facing Emerging Risks, Adapting to Changing Environments and Building Transformative Resilience in Mountain Regions Worldwide, 2024, pp 11-15

This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 13 and 15 by reviewing the unique species assemblages of high-elevation ecosystems and biodiversity trends in the context of climate change.

Earth Observation in Urban Monitoring: Techniques and Challenges, 2024, pp 291-307

This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 9 and 13 by discussing the potential of AI tools to advance sustainable urban climate modeling.
This content advances UN SDG 10 and 13 goals highlighting the importance of inclusive approaches, incorporation of indigenous and traditional culture and knowledge, innovation as well as working with local communities to provide benefits both for ecosystem and wildlife conservation, and climate-resilient livelihoods.
This research emphasizes the importance of recognizing diverse perspectives and values in defining and conserving forests, highlighting the dominance of Western institutions in shaping global discourses on forest conservation. The study underscores the need to incorporate Indigenous and local perspectives in defining forest terms to address recognition and procedural inequities, aligning with the objectives of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples to promote cultural diversity and inclusivity in conservation practices.
This One Earth Research Article evaluates the macroeconomic impacts of countries' decarbonization plans (SDG 13) and finds minimal overall impacts (SDG 8).
This One Earth Primer Article explains the concept of embodied carbon emissions — i.e., the emissions required for building material production and discusses life-cycle opportunities for reducing emissions (SDG 13). It directly relates to urban decarbonization as many cities in the global south are expected to rapidly grow.
