

World Soil Day 2024

Soil, often overlooked, is one of nature's most incredible assets. A single handful contains more microorganisms than there are humans on Earth. This diverse ecosystem under our feet supports life in myriad ways, from growing the food we eat to acting as a natural filtration system. World Soil Day, observed every December 5th, is a global call to recognize the indispensable role of soil in our lives and the urgent need to protect it.

The Indispensable Role of Soil


World Maritime Day 2024

The vast oceans have always been a source of wonder, sustenance, and vital passage for human civilization. Connecting continents and cultures, the maritime sector plays a pivotal role in global trade, security, and sustainability. Recognizing its significance, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) observes World Maritime Day every year. This day not only celebrates the maritime industry but also emphasizes its importance in ensuring a sustainable future.

Why the Maritime Sector is Vital


World Patient Safety Day 2024

Patient safety stands at the forefront of quality healthcare, emphasizing the importance of avoiding harm to patients during care. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the critical nature of patient safety and observes World Patient Safety Day every year. This day serves as a global platform to discuss, strategize, and drive initiatives that place patient safety at the core of healthcare systems worldwide.

Significance of Patient Safety

Safe patient care is paramount for various reasons:


International Day of Sign Languages 2024

The world is home to diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. One aspect of this rich tapestry of human expression is sign language. Every year, the International Day of Sign Languages (IDSL) serves as a reminder of the significance of sign languages as a means of communication for the deaf community and their role in ensuring a more inclusive and accessible world.

The Significance of the Day


September 2023

In this episode of “The World We Want” podcast, Robert Skinner, Deputy Director and Chief of Partnerships and Global Engagement at the Outreach Division of the United Nations Department of Global Communications, reminds us that it is not too late to take action against climate change. In a lively conversation with Márcia Balisciano, he touches upon the importance of spreading awareness about the SDGs and making sure that global policymakers and stakeholders understand how imperative it is to act, and act now.
Batten Disease
This article relates to SDG 3. This resource, created together by Osmosis and the National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD), aims to increase the knowledge and awareness about Rare Disease Education: Batten Disease
The future of artificial intelligence (AI) in HR is bright, but HR isn’t ready—at least not yet. To support leaders as they prepare for change, this article offers six skills HR teams must build on to successfully leverage AI, promoting SDGs 8 and 9.
Castleman Disease
This article relates to SDG 3. This resource, created together by Osmosis and the National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD), aims to increase the knowledge and awareness about Rare Disease Education: Castleman Disease
