Podcast Series: The SDG Impact of COVID-19
Get unique expert insight into the impact and implications of Covid-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals with our podcast series.
Feburary 12th 2021
The latest price movement in the European carbon markets (EU ETS) has reached its all-time high of €40/tonne, which demonstrates how much uncertainty is currently present in the market. Contributing to SDGs 12 and 13, this white paper provides scenario-based impact analysis of the market stability reserve in the context of the EU ETS review.
Building and Environment will host a series of free webinars on COVID-19 Control. The second webinar of the series will feature 2 presentations from experts in the field on the following topics: COVID-19 and indoor and outdoor sports, presented by Bert Blocken, Professor of Civil Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands & KU Leuven, Belgium. Efficient reduction of airborne transmission by advanced ventilation, presented by Arsen K. Melikov, Professor of Ventilation and Air Distribution, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
Attorneys Phillip Bauknight and Kevin Troutman, partners at Fisher Phillips, a leading labor and employment law firm, share the crucial issues employers need to consider when determining how to address COVID-19 vaccinations for their employees. Topics covered in this webinar support SDG 3 (good health and well being).