Health and population

Health and population dynamics are intertwined, embodying an intricate relationship with significant implications on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Health is fundamentally at the center of these 17 global goals, aimed to transform the world by 2030. Specifically, Goal 3 endeavors to "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages." It acknowledges that health is pivotal to human life quality, social cohesion, and sustainable development. Inextricably linked to this are the complexities of population dynamics, including growth rates, age structure, fertility and mortality rates, and migration patterns.

With the world's population projected to exceed 9.7 billion by 2050, the pressure on health systems will undoubtedly escalate. The demographic transition, with an aging population and an increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases, poses new challenges for health systems globally. Additionally, areas with high fertility rates often overlap with extreme poverty, resulting in heightened health risks, including higher maternal and child mortality rates, malnutrition, and infectious diseases.

Moreover, rapid urbanization and migration present both opportunities and threats to health. While urban areas may provide better access to healthcare, they also harbor risks of disease transmission, air and water pollution, and social determinants of health like inadequate housing and social inequality. Simultaneously, migrants often face disproportionate health risks due to unstable living conditions, exploitation, and limited access to healthcare services.

Achieving the SDGs will necessitate comprehensive approaches that consider the intricate interplay of health and population dynamics. It means strengthening health systems, promoting universal health coverage, and addressing social determinants of health. It also implies crafting policies that recognize demographic realities and foster an environment conducive to sustainable development. Only by understanding and harnessing these dynamics can the world meaningfully progress towards realizing the SDGs, ensuring healthy lives and well-being for all.

This study supports SDG 3 and 10 by identifying multiple structural and normalisation biases in maternity care in the UK that disproportionately affected Black and minority ethnic women who died while receiving maternity care, including lack of nuanced care; microaggressions; and cultural, social, and clinical complexities in the care received.
Background: Combustion-related nitrogen dioxide (NO2) air pollution is associated with paediatric asthma incidence. We aimed to estimate global surface NO2 concentrations consistent with the Global Burden of Disease study for 1990–2019 at a 1 km resolution, and the concentrations and attributable paediatric asthma incidence trends in 13 189 cities from 2000 to 2019.
Perceived causes for chronic respiratory symptoms
Background: Effectiveness of health programmes can be undermined when the implementation misaligns with local beliefs and behaviours. To design context-driven implementation strategies, we explored beliefs and behaviours regarding chronic respiratory disease (CRD) in diverse low-resource settings. Methods: This observational mixed-method study was conducted in Africa (Uganda), Asia (Kyrgyzstan and Vietnam) and Europe (rural Greece and a Roma camp). We systematically mapped beliefs and behaviours using the SETTING-tool.

Managing Treatment-Resistant Depression: Road to Novel Therapeutics, Volume , 1 January 2022

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing as well as Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities by reviewing the evidence base for treatment of youth with depression, with a focus on management of treatment-resistant depression.

Managing Treatment-Resistant Depression: Road to Novel Therapeutics, Volume , 1 January 2022

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing as well as Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities by reviewing the data on clinical and epidemiological predictors of antidepressant response, or predictors of treatment-resistant depression and discussing the possible prognostic value of clinical features, like severity, chronicity, subtypes of depression, comorbidities, history of trauma, and epidemiological features like gender, age, sociodemographic status.
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing as well as Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities by providing different levels and magnitude of explanation for the various behavioral symptoms seen in individuals with ASD, collectively providing a comprehensive picture of this disorder.

The Neuroscience of Autism, Volume , 1 January 2022

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing as well as Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities by examining the history and evolution of the definition and characterization of autism over the past several decades and the impact of it on how the disorder is perceived by autistic individuals, families, and professionals

iPSCs - State of the Science
Volume 16 in Advances in Stem Cell Biology
2022, Pages 197-224

This content links with Goal 3: Good health and well-being and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by focusing on the uses of iPSCs in inherited diseases and, particularly, in the case of Gaucher disease (GD).
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing as well as Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities by examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical and mental health of the elderly.
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing as well as Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities by exploring herbal medicines role in depression to provide alternatives to current psychiatric drugs which may cause many induced side effects.
