

The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 8, April 2024

This Review supports SDGs 3 and 15 by exploring the links between climate change, biodiversity loss, and infectious diseases. The authors focus on the social, political, and financial factors that frame these issues, and suggest that a better understanding of these interactions is needed to drive solutions.

Heliyon, Volume 10, 30 April 2024

This study has provided a spatial view of the temporal trends in gregarization in the CLCPRO countries since 1985.

Heliyon, Volume 10, April 2024, e28653

This study investigated antiviral effects in a real-world cohort of non-cirrhotic CHB patients with varying degrees of HS, assessed by transient elastography (TE) with controlled attenuation parameter (CAP).

Heliyon, Volume 10, 15 April 2024

This study aims to develop novel prognostic models based on the dynamic changes in variables to predict the short-term mortality of HBV-associated ACLF (HBV-ACL)

eClinicalMedicine, Volume 70, April 2024

This Article supports SDG 3 by arguing that people under community correction supervision (probation or parole) are a large population of individuals at risk of viral hepatitis, to whom little attention has thus far been paid. Targeting hepatitis testing and treatment services at this population would be feasible and effective in reducing hepatitis incidence.

The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, Volume 45, April 2024

This Article supports SDG 3 by assessing the prevalence of hepatitis B, C, and delta virus in French Polynesia. The findings suggest that the HBV vaccination policy is effective and that HCV and HDV have very low levels of transmission, although some areas did have higher HBV prevalence, warrenting improved vaccine coverage and awareness.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 201, April 2024

The study forecasts AI-based innovation's impact on SDGs in 22 countries from 2022 to 2030 using System Dynamics Modeling. In most of the 22 countries studied, AI-based innovation positively affects SDGs 1, 3, and 5. For half of the countries studied, AI-based innovation positively influences SDGs 2, 4, 6–8, 11, 13, and 16–17. AI-based innovation does not positively influence SDGs 10, 12, 14–15 for most countries studied.

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Volume 73, March 2024

This research provides an ethnographic review of hunter-gatherers' profound relationships with trees, today and into the deep past. In the modern west we sometimes ignore our profound human relationship with trees.

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Volume 73, March 2024

The research highlights how, for Indigenous people across the globe, being connected to traditional lands and histories continues to be of paramount importance. To document this connection on one river system in the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America, the researchers have compiled archaeological evidence from 14 settlements occupied between 3,000 years ago and the early 20th century.
