This short communication describes the climate change impacts of using cellulose, and more precisely cellulosic fiber-based materials, in food packaging, representing current and emerging industrial s
This study presents a critical review analysis of greenery systems research through a bibliometric approach.
Elsevier, Trends in Food Science and Technology, Volume 108, February 2021
The food industry is responsible for significant impacts on the environment, such as climate change, water depletion and land use.
Mitigating global warming is the responsibility of all countries. Moreso, the role of forests in sequestrating carbon is very crucial.
Despite the importance of tropical forest conservation in achieving global sustainability goals and the key role of forest-risk commodity trade in driving deforestation, consumer country policy option
Elsevier, The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 5, February 2021
Background: nationally determined contributions (NDCs) serve to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement of staying “well below 2°C”, which could also yield substantial health co-benefits in the process.

Antigoni Faka, Konstantinos Tserpes, Christos Chalkias, Chapter 10 - Environmental sensing: a review of approaches using GPS/GNSS, Editor(s): George p. Petropoulos, Prashant K. Srivastava, GPS and GNSS Technology in Geosciences, Elsevier, 2021, Pages 199-220, ISBN 9780128186176,

This chapter advances UN SDG goal 12 by enabling environmental assessment through remote sensing technologies

Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America, Volume 41, February 2021

Increased levels of CO2 and various greenhouse gases cause global warming and, in combination with pollutants from fossil fuel combustion and vehicular and industrial emissions, have been driving i

The latest price movement in the European carbon markets (EU ETS) has reached its all-time high of €40/tonne, which demonstrates how much uncertainty is currently present in the market. Contributing to SDGs 12 and 13, this white paper provides scenario-based impact analysis of the market stability reserve in the context of the EU ETS review.
Plastic products have played significant roles in protecting people during the COVID-19 pandemic.
