This One Earth Research Article documents how (mostly) European cities are planning to adapt to increasing heat risk due to climate change (SDG 13 & 11).
This One Earth Commentary discusses how policy makers could accelerate social change towards climate action (SDG 13) in their cities and communities (SDG 11) by reducing early inertia.

Hydroclimatic Extremes in the Middle East and North Africa Assessment, Attribution and Socioeconomic Impacts, 2024, Pages 343-366

This chapter ties into Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action by emphasizing the need for adaptation strategies in response to significant climate changes.
The International Day for Biodiversity (IDB) is celebrated every year on 22 May to raise awareness of the importance and value of biodiversity and to increase understanding of biodiversity issues. The theme of IDB 2024, “Be part of the Plan”, is a call to action for all stakeholders to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by supporting the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, or the “The Biodiversity Plan”. To mark International Day for Biodiversity, Elsevier has curated a special collection of journal articles and book chapters exploring .

How society and people respond, and adapt to climate change is a psychological process.  Within this collection are papers that explore these different psychological responses from how this influen

This research has uncovered the conflicts between solar-energy development and the conservation of threatened bird species. A comprehensive analysis has revealed that a staggering 97.4% of regions with significant solar-energy potential overlap with the ranges of multiple endangered bird species. Even more alarming is the fact that over 17.0% of these areas are home to at least 10 threatened bird species. These findings highlight the urgent need to address the potential negative impacts of solar-energy projects on avian biodiversity.

In the pursuit of improving engine performance and mitigating emissions, researchers have explored the intriguing domain of fuel blends incorporating butanol and gasoline. This innovative study aims to unravel the intricate dynamics between butanol and gasoline when utilized as a blended fuel in internal combustion engines. The current study integrates cutting-edge techniques such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for the optimization of engine performance.
In this current study, six metropolitan areas were selected to differentiate the built-up landscapes by utilizing the concept of local climate zones. Results revealed a 30.67% higher heat health risk in compact built-up landscapes than in the open built-up type, with urban green spaces playing an effective but differentiated role in mitigating risk.
In this episode of the "World We Want" podcast, Márcia Balisciano interviews Marty Odlin, Founder and CEO, Running Tide. They discuss Running Tide's business model and how it plans to mitigate ocean acidification while remaining self-sustainable in the long run.
