
Healthcare Strategies and Planning for Social Inclusion and Development, Volume 1: Health for All - Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare Management, 2022, Pages 57-84

This chapter addresses world hunger, malnutrition, and extreme poverty.

Food Security, Poverty and Nutrition Policy Analysis (Third Edition): Statistical Methods and Applications, 2022, Pages 575-597

Building effective policy and practices to ensure sustainable supplies of nutritious foods requires understanding the contributing factors and developing appropriate practices in response.
Reviews and explains the challenges posed by mycotoxins on food safety, which have consequences on the health of consumers and livestock. Also discusses the prospects of mycotoxin outbreaks in a world climate change scenario. Supports SDG 2: Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Nutritional value is imperative for food security. Understanding how breeding can enhance this is an important tool toward eliminating hunger and food insecurity.
This chapter aligns with Goal 2: Zero Hunger, Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing, and Goal 13: Climate Action by exploring how extreme flooding has significant implications for local, regional, and national populations, particularly regarding agriculture and food supply.
This chapter focuses on genetically modified crops that can aid farmers in increasing crop resilience and productivity. While their safety and ethics have raised concern, these promising technologies offer hope for the improvement of food security for global populations, especially those in under-developed or developing countries.
This book chapter addresses SDGs 2 and 12 by explaining the significance of the GM crop and how it will help save an undernourished population from food insecurity.
Harnessing genomic selection for efficient and sustainable livestock production is an important and markable way to address food security challenges.
This book chapter discusses how new policies are needed to reorient the food system so that it prioritizes smallholder communities, with a renewed focus on the needs and aspirations of women, advancing SDG 2 ad SDG 5.
Food safety concerns every food handling facility and is intricately woven with food nutrition. There are many factors that can make food incongruous for the consumption of humans. Contributing to SDGs 2 and 3, this chapter highlights the different scenarios related to food in respect of microorganism growth, different types of food poisoning caused by different sources, like microbial contamination, pesticides residues, improper handling of food, personal unhygienic practices, and their safety measures.
