This book chapter advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG10 Reducing Inequalities by focusing on educationally meaningful methods to develop programs that exploit voice recognition engines, based on cloud services, so that a smartphone device can remotely trigger typical farming actions or query the values of several critical parameters of the farm specifically for the elderly and disabled.
An Article in support of SDGs 2 and 12, assessing the financial costs of healthy and sustainable diets in countries with different income levels

Features and Assessments of Pain, Anaesthesia, and Analgesia
2022, Pages 285-290

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing by providing an overview of current pain trends among PWH, treatment guidelines, and suggestions for how to best fulfill the needs to decrease pain, prevent opioid misuse, and improve quality of life for this unique patient population.

Adapting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, 2022, Pages 307-332

This chapter advances goals 3 and 5 by examining the current research about sleep and insomnia during pregnancy, as well as considerations for assessment and treatment of insomnia during pregnancy.
This content aligns with Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by examining the social determinants of health and access to adequate oral healthcare.

Public Health in Practice, Volume 2, November 2021

In Nigeria, the disparity between available healthcare services and need for mental health services is palpable.

Understanding the cause and functional consequences of MINCR deregulation gives important insights on potential pathogenetic mechanisms both in cancer and in neurodegeneration.
Central figure summarizing the neuropsychological phenotypes in Barth syndrome, along with an overarching research question; both direct and indirect impacts of mitochondrial dysfunction induced by cardiolipin deficiency are likely at play.
Barth syndrome (BTHS) is a rare X-linked multisystem mitochondrial disease. It is caused by variants of the TAFAZZIN gene leading to abnormal cardiolipin. Normal cardiolipin is crucial for proper mitochondrial structure and function. This article reviews the little-discussed, but significant neuro/psychological aspects of BTHS and discusses potential pathogenic mechanisms and avenues for further research.

The Journal of Climate Change and Health, Volume 5, 2022, 100092

As both COVID-19 and climate change crises converged and even contributed to each other, a much older crisis reemerged: structural racism and the policy stagnation that refuses to address it. 
This book chapter advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG10 Reducing Inequalities by focusing on resources for a disabled user, the right format, from the right publisher, delivered through the right platform to the right tools, enables efficient independent access.
