The 2011 RAD-AID Conference on International Radiology for Developing Countries discussed data, experiences, and models pertaining to radiology in the developing world, where widespread shortages of i
This chapter supports SDGs 3, 11, and 16 by exploring ways of improving shelter provision for refugees through better coordination of humanitarian agencies, the development of minimum standards, and enhanced self-help housing strategies.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 50, July 2011

This article ties to SDG 3. This article examines illogical thinking in children from low-income families with and without histories of child maltreatment.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 50, July 2011

This article ties to SDG 3. This article examined the development of PTSD in infants and young children 1.5 to 5 years of age exposed to war-related trauma over a lengthy period.
This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health as well as Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by presenting a better understanding of how Nef disrupts antigen presentation may lead to the development of drugs that enhance the ability of the anti-HIV CTLs to control HIV disease.
This chapter content advances SDG 3 and 5 by explaining that there is a realistic concern about the impact of ionizing and nonionizing radiations on the health of children and their mothers. The magnitude and type of risks that are associated with radiation exposure to children and mothers must be determined to prevent the health consequences of such exposure.
This chapter aligns with the SDG goal 3 of good health and wellbeing by showing reliable methods to quantitatively analyze the UPR and hepatic inflammation in the mouse model of NAFLD.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 50, April 2011

This article ties to SDG 3 &4. This study describes the effects of a universal, teacher-based preventive intervention implemented with Israeli students before the rocket attacks that occurred during Operation Cast Lead, compared with a nonintervention but exposed control group.
Adolescents with a minority sexual orientation (e.g., lesbian, gay, and bisexual) are more likely to use substances than their heterosexual peers.
Following the introduction of the long-term care insurance scheme and deregulation of the market for at-home care services, Japan experienced a substantial increase in expenditure on care for the elde
