A review on dementia in low-income and middle-income countries, in the context of SDGs 3 and 10, focusing specifically on culturally appropriate treatments and the need for more effectiveness trials on adapted interventions.
The article examines the link between physical activity earlier in life and a lower risk of dementia later in life.
The nature of armed conflict throughout the world is intensely dynamic.
Complementary Feeding (CF) involves an array of behaviors ranging from producing or purchasing food to preparing and feeding it to the child. Nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions support different dimensions of improved CF, including dietary diversity, adequate frequency and daily intake, food hygiene, responsive feeding, and parenting practices. Beyond messages specific to what to feed young children, interventions to improve CF could address norms related to early child development; family dynamics; water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)
An Article in support of SDGs 3 and 17, analysing the extent to which the budgets of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria support health security, highlighting the importance of disease-specific global health initiatives to support health security efforts and to respond to current and future pandemics.
Elsevier, The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 5, February 2021
Background: nationally determined contributions (NDCs) serve to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement of staying “well below 2°C”, which could also yield substantial health co-benefits in the process.
The daily use of low-dose aspirin seems to be a safe intervention for reducing the risk of preterm birth and well tolerated by nulliparous pregnant women between 6 and 36 weeks’ gestation in low- and middle-income countries.
Background: Disparities in outcomes of adult sepsis are well described by insurance status and race and ethnicity. There is a paucity of data looking at disparities in sepsis outcomes in children.
Water and wastewater utilities, water and sanitation hygiene (WASH) practitioners, and regulating bodies, particularly in developing nations, rely heavily on indicator microorganisms, as opposed to pa
It is estimated that 32.5 million US adults have clinical osteoarthritis (OA), with the most common sites being knee and hip. OA is associated with substantial individual and societal costs.
