This Article supports SDG 3 by evaluating the effect on mental health of the Community Wealth Building programme in Preston, UK, whereby the local economy in this economically deprived area was boosted by shifting to local supply chains. Compared with control areas, an improvement was seen in mental health outcomes such as prevalence of depression. The authors suggest that such a model could simultaneously help to advance economic regeneration, improve health and wellbeing, and reduce regional inequalities.
Scandinavian countries show important differences in specialist care for major depressive disorder.
A service evaluation was conducted of a rapid response brief trauma therapy training at the start of the Ukraine war. The aims of this study were to explore the feasibility of providing brief therapy trauma training to upskill local therapists in Ukraine and to assess if the treatment approach was effective in reducing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms.
Talks about the welfare of cattle in the beef industry.
This Article supports SDG 3 and 10 by showing that among Indigenous children in Brazil (of the Guarani birth cohort), severely compromised living conditions were noted, and inequalities in the frequency of social and environmental risk factors between the Indigenous children. The authors note that policies are needed to improve housing, water and sanitation, and wealth conditions among people in Indigenous communities.
The authors of this paper developed and tested a culturally appropriate food picture-sort frequency tool that is feasible and acceptable to both Navajo children and adults. This tool and its indices have the potential to measure the change for school-based intervention studies among the Navajo Nation because of its cultural appropriateness, ease of administration and low burden, and the convergent validity and reliability of its indices.
This paper concludes that In the participating Dene population, vitamin D, fiber, and calcium intake were low, resulting in deficiencies for the majority of the participants and that Poor nutritional status might be because of several complex and intersecting challenges experienced by northern Indigenous communities, such as the historical context of colonialism, remote food insecurity, and social and environmental inequities. It is suggested that nutrition education, financial interventions, and store-food pricing policies should be put in place to facilitate access to market food, and culturally adequate initiatives, such as community harvest programs, should be put in place to facilitate better access to TFs/CFs.
This Article supports SDG 3 by assessing the cost-effectiveness of the "Birthing in Our Community" service in reducing preterm births in Australian First Nations families compared to standard care.
This Article supports SDG 3 by highlighting the effectiveness of a co-designed intervention for providing First Nations care within Western health services, which could address current gaps in respiratory health outcomes for Aboriginal children.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 10 by assessing predictors for COVID-19 vaccine uptake among older Syrian refugees in Lebanon and highlighting the need to target hard to reach populations to improve access and uptake.
