In this episode of the "World We Want" podcast, Márcia Balisciano interviews Dr. Ana Maria Porras, Assistant Prof of Biomedical Engineering, Crochet Artist, and Science Communicator. They discuss how biomedical engineering is helping develop better treatment strategies for tropical disorders, which have historically received very little attention.
RELX SDG Inspiration Day 2024: Leading edge discussion on AI for sustainable development: the risks and opportunities The tenth RELX SDG Inspiration Day - a free, online event for thought leaders, corporate representatives, students, investors, government and NGOs to explore issues, gain practical insights and be inspired to take action in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
SDG wheel with Age of AI event details

AI holds tremendous potential for advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  AI, particularly generative AI, provides new opportunities to analyse data and trends at pace a

It is important to have scientifically analyzed data to support the policy direction for children's schools, as they are a vulnerable group when it comes to emerging infectious diseases. [hotspot – schools]
This Comment supports SGDs 3 and 10 by discussing how the use of cashless payment systems in India can help to promote equitable access to health care and improve patient experiences, and well as examining some barriers to adoption.
Cancer disproportionately impacts Black patients in incidence and mortality. Accordingly, optimal anticancer pharmacotherapy is critical to improving outcomes in this population, however, Black patients are less likely to receive anticancer pharmacotherapy.

Reproductive BioMedicine Online, Volume 48, April 2024

Supports SDG 3 in describing problems associated with delayed pregnancies and a lack of access to care.

International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Volume 257, April 2024

The article emphasizes the importance of providing training and supporting resources alongside open science initiatives to enhance accessibility and reduce barriers in the field. It suggests that these educational resources should be customized to cater to diverse user profiles, including neuroscientists, computational scientists, and educators.
A reminder that some effective preventatives for the spreading of disease are relatively simple such as good hygiene and efficient washing.
The paper highlights the interconnectedness of public health crises, such as pandemics, with biodiversity loss and climate change, as increased demand for materials to combat infectious diseases exacerbates environmental pressures, posing a threat to global sustainability and biodiversity.
