Experience of domestic violence has been suggested as a risk factor for diabetes. Longitudinal data from 5782 Australian women over 20 years were analysed. Childhood sexual abuse and intimate partner violence predicted subsequent diabetes. The association was only partly attenuated when obesity was taken into account. Awareness of a history of abuse may help in the management of obesity and diabetes in women.
Examines multiple forms of adolescent violence perpetration across gender, racial/ethnic, and sexual identities. Boys reported greater rates of perpetration than girls, except for teen dating violence. Perpetration rates did not differ for intersection of gender by race/ethnicity. Perpetration rates varied across racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minority students compared to non-minority students.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 5, investigating the links between intimate partner violence and suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and self-harm.
Recognising that "sexting" is a form of violence and is not innocent.
A discussion of the use of law to protect women against violence.
Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a serious global health problem and China has the largest disease burden.
This Article supports SDG 3, 4, and 5 by highlighting that more than 160 million women aged 15-24 years globally have a need for contraception that is not currently met by existing family planning programs, thus hindering or eliminating their education and employment opportunities.
A Commission, in support of SDG 3 and 5, presenting the evidence to identify and reduce the risk of intimate partner violence and its related harms, and establishing a roadmap for future work across mental health services, research, and policy.
This Review supports SDGs 5 and 13, analysing the evidence on the effect of extreme weather events on gender based violence. Concluding that the increases in gender based violence during or after such events is linked to various factors, including economic instability, mental stress, and disrupted infrastructure.
An Article in support of SDGs 3 and 5, showing a high prevalence of intimate partner violence against infertile women globally, and highlighting the need for screening, counselling, and structural interventions to mitigate this issue at multiple levels.