An Article in support of SDGs 3, 5, and 10, showing that effective cataract surgical coverage varies widely between countries, increases with greater income level, and is higher in men.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, Volume 1868, 1 November 2022

Infographic showing how sex bias and omission exists in Batten disease research
Batten Disease is a rare disease. This reviews highlights the existing sex bias and omissions in Batten Disease research.
What the world is witnessing these days is a country where older and younger people, men and women, Iranians from inside and outside the country, people with different ethnicities, are unified by a single purpose—FREEDOM.

Health Care Today in the United States, 2023, Pages 141-170

This chapter advances goals 3 and 5 by covering the unique health issues and vulnerabilities of women.
This Article supports SDG 3 and 5 by highlighting a need for greater involvement of in-country authors on research examining a wider range of gendered COVID-19 impacts, as well as increased representation of diverse topics and publications related to COVID-19 and women's well-being focused on lower income countries.
Fig. 2. The indicator- and domain-wise contributions to disempowerment in agency, by sex and FAARM intervention group.
This Study supports SDG 5 and 3 by examining the role of improved women's agency on the pathway from the intervention to nutritional impacts.
This Article supports SDGs 5, 8, and 10 by investigating the prevalence of workplace sexual harassment and violence by demographic factors and work sectors among Icelandic women, providing nuanced targets for prevention and for public policies aimed at promoting women’s safety in the work environment.
This Article supports SDGs 3 and 5, describing intimate partner violence within military communities and drawing comparisons with a general population cohort.

Journal of Responsible Technology, Volume 12, December 2022, 100048

An investigation, linking particularly well to SDGs 10 and 5 focusing on equality, which shows how researchers can actively engage with equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in their work, and how EDI considerations must remain an ongoing effort. The authors, working in the field of responsible research and innovation (RRI), intentionally employed EDI in their project recruitment, and reflect here on the adjustments they made as a result. The recruitment of persons with disabilities led to some particularly interesting and new insights in this study looking at trustworthiness in the design of autonomous systems with evolving functionality.
This Review supports SDGs 3 and 5, focusing on the gendered association between unpaid labour and mental health, particularly in relation to the fact that women do more hours of unpaid labour worldwide than men. The Review found that unpaid labour is associated with worse mental health in women than in men.
