As part of the transition to a future power grid, distribution systems are undergoing profound changes evolving into Active Distribution Networks (ADNs).
Energy geotechnics involves the use of geotechnical principles to understand and engineer the coupled thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical processes encountered in collecting, exchanging, storing, and protec
Studies of waste-to-energy systems have applied a varying range of indicators to assess their sustainability.
Key strategies to low energy buildings
Occupant behavior is one of the major factors influencing building energy consumption and contributing to uncertainty in building energy use prediction and simulation.

Energy and Buildings, Volume 116, 15 March 2016

The smart grid's components

The smart grids are modern electric power grid infrastructure for enhanced efficiency and reliability through automated control, high-power converters, modern communications infrastructure, sensing

Elsevier, Building and Environment, Volume 97, February 15, 2016
Heat map of simulated annual heating demand for South Boston using UMI (a) and daily gas and electricity demand profiles for the highlighted building in South Boston (b).
Over the past decades, detailed individual building energy models (BEM) on the one side and regional and country-level building stock models on the other side have become established modes of analysis
This paper presents a review of exergy analysis of solar thermal systems. It includes both various types of solar collectors and various applications of solar thermal systems.

Capacity planners in developing countries frequently use screening curves and other system-independent metrics such as levelized cost of energy to guide investment decisions.


Sustainable Power Technologies and Infrastructure, Chapter 10, 2016, Pages 355–377

This chapter advances both goals 7 (affordable and clean energy) and 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) through its discussion of incentives and tariffs that encourage sustainable infrastructure, including renewable energy.
Elsevier, Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 156, 17 December 2015
This short review summarizes our understanding and perspectives on FO and PRO processes and meaningful R&D in order to develop effective and sustainable FO and PRO technologies for water reuse and
