
Solar Energy Desalination Technology, Chapter 1, 2017, Pages 1–46

To advance goal 6 (clean water and sanitation), this chapter explores different desalination processes to make seawater drinkable, which is an obvious solution to any water shortages. Given the high-polluting energy required in the desalination process, solar-desalination technologies is considered.

Sustainable Shale Oil and Gas, Chapter 3, 2017, Pages 29–43

This chapter advances SDGs 7 and 13 by discussing detection methods for fugitive methane and whether these gases can be captured and used for commercial opportunity.
The Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs aims to inspire all business — regardless of size, sector or geography — to take leading action in support of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It illustrates how the five leadership qualities of Ambition, Collaboration, Accountability, Consistency, and Intentional can be applied to a business' strategy, business model, products, supply chain, partnerships, and operations to raise the bar and create impact at scale. The Blueprint is a tool for any business that is ready to advance its principled approach to SDG action to become a leader. This chapter relates specifically to SDG 7.
[Figure presented]Profs.
Solar energy conversion using semiconductors to fabricate photovoltaic devices relies on efficient light absorption, charge separation of electron–hole pair carriers or excitons, and fast transport an
Elsevier, Social Science and Medicine, Volume 167, 1 October 2016
Energy insecurity is a multi-dimensional construct that describes the interplay between physical conditions of housing, household energy expenditures and energy-related coping strategies.

[Figure presented] Leif Hammarström is a professor of chemical physics at Uppsala University, Sweden.

California-based Facebook is planning to build two data centres measuring 184,000 square metres in Denmark’s third largest city. This could push up total Danish power demand by a 10%, and accelerate investments in wind production. Increasing the production of wind power and other renewables contributes to the advancement of SDG target 7.2 to increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
On-site energy storage systems can be used in both domestic and commercial buildings to address the increasing demand on electricity. This would require energy to be purchased at off-peak times and stored for use during peak times. Despite a number of benefits to on-site energy storage systems, they are not yet an economically viable solution, although by 2021 costs are expected to fall significantly. Future-proofing buildings in the form of battery technology supports SDG 7 - affordable and clean energy.

A review of electricity access projects in rural areas reveals a number of unsustainable features.
