Electric Power Systems Resiliency: Modelling, Opportunity and Challenges, 2022, Pages 149-163
This chapter advances SDG goals 7, 9, and 11 by improving our ability to use smart grids to provide stable, demand- and market-responsive energy.
Drinking water supply requires energy, which in turn emits greenhouse gases with undesirable climate impacts. Water conservation, therefore, offers environmental benefits by reducing such emissions.
Supports SDG 15 by providing a methood to preserve wheat species for reintroduction if necessary.
Discusses how plant diversity may enhance carbon retention in soils as well as better ecosystem functions and crop yields.
This paper highlights the value of combining passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) recordings with machine-learning analysis for ecological monitoring and demonstrates the potential of PAM to monitor reef restoration.
A Personal View in support of SDGs 2 and 3, proposing recommendations for improving future trials in the field of nutrition and cognitive health, particularly in relation to dementia, and highlighting the need for testing of both personalised interventions and generalisable public health interventions.
A Health Policy paper in support of SDGs 2 and 3, calling on the World Health Assembly to pass a resolution for universal mandatory folic acid fortification to prevent the development of spina bifida and anencephaly and to help countries reach their 2030 Sustainable Development Goals on child mortality and health equity.
This webinar series is supported by Elsevier journals to help advance science & engineering for a sustainable future for human and ecological health through global interactions. The focus of each webinar will support at least one of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. See https://sdgresources.relx.com
This specific webinar will focus on "Recent Progress on Urban Heat Mitigation Technologies" presented by Prof. Mat Santamouris, Distinguished Professor, Arts Design and Architecture, UNSW Sydney.
Sign up for free here: https://cassyni.com/s/gsse
This Viewpoint supports SDGs 2 and 15 by highlighting the importance of trees and forests to food systems, and exploring how the value of trees and forests in this regard can be enhanced to improve nutritional and environmental sustainability.