
CLA President R Santhanakrishnan, winner of the award Thuli Madonsela, Nigel Roberts (LexisNexis) and past President Alex Ward
LexisNexis Legal & Professional,

LexisNexis Australia, March 2017

The 20th Commonwealth Law Conference took place in Melbourne in March 2017 with LexisNexis as the lead sponsor, and hosted by Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA) in association with the Law Institute of Victoria. The CLC brings together delegates from over 50 countries to meet and learn, as well as to recognise lawyers who champion the rule of law. Such exchanges between lawyers support SDG 16. 3 to promote the rule of law at the national and international levels.
LexisNexis Legal & Professional,

LexisPSL, March 21 2017

This article explores how lawyers can work together to increase social mobility and diversity within the legal profession. Julian Sayarer talks to Chris White, founder of Aspiring Solicitors, Chris Benn, lawyer at Kemp Little, Barry Matthews, an in-house lawyer with ITV, and Toby Hornett, legal director at Canon – Europe about the role in house teams play in promoting diversity and access, contributing to SDG 10, reduced inequalities.

Elsevier Connect March 16 2017

Elsevier is collaborating with the UC Davis John Muir Institute of the Environment on a data science initiative. As part of the programme, an Elsevier John Muir Institute of the Environment Fellow will apply data and information science to the center’s environmental science and sustainability programs focused on the most serious impacts of climate change and advance knowledge on SDG 13.

United Nation Global Compact, 2017

This webinar focuses on the role of business in promoting decent work in global supply chains, which are issues covered by Goals 8 and Goals 16
Maize growing under plastic
Farmers Weekly,

March 2017

Critics claim that maize can cause unwanted environmental impacts. But supporters of the crop are able to show how by use of cover crops it can be grown responsibly, reducing or eliminating, for example, nutrient leaching and soil erosion. In south-west England, a Wessex Water project is using cover crops to protect and improve drinking water quality by working with growers whose farms surround boreholes and reservoirs that supply water for human consumption. Steps like this can contribute to SDG 6 to ensure sustainable management of water and SDG 12 to ensure sustainable production.

Slave Free Seas charitable trust New Zealand logo
LexisNexis Legal & Professional,

LexisNexis New Zealand, March 2017

LexisNexis New Zealand and the Slave Free Seas Charitable Trust have created a free legal resource to assist advocates for victims of human trafficking, comprising practical information on advocacy and policy change. This guidance is essential for target 8.7 and the eradication of forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking, as well as SDG 16.3 and access to justice.


7 March 2017

To support the launch of Elsevier's groundbreaking report Gender in the Global Research Landscape, it has created a resource center as a source of information for researchers, research leaders, policymakers and anyone else interested in gender diversity and its impact on science and society. Through this work, Elsevier is committed to SDG 5 to advance gender equality.
