
Nikolay Manchev Petrov, Mariya Ivanova Stoyanova, Rajarshi Kumar Gaur, Chapter 12 - Biodiversity and characterization of economically important viruses on potato cultivars, Editor(s): Rajarshi Kumar Gaur, Basavaprabhu L. Patil, Ramasamy Selvarajan, Plant RNA Viruses, Academic Press, 2023, Pages 245-270, ISBN 9780323953399

This content aligns with Goal 15: Life on Earth as it discusses the different viruses that can infect potatoes which are a problem for the quality and the quantity of global potato production which can exacerbate any food security issues.
The breeding of captive wild species can play a crucial role in their preservation. One major barrier to successful captive breeding is the difficulty of replicating the natural environment. In this study the authors provide suggestions and recommendations to facilitate future breeding efforts for captive jaguars.
This study lookds at how climate change will have a significant impact on the availability of water resources in the upper Blue Nile basin of the Kiltie watershed

Chapter 13 - Applications of LiDAR in Biodiversity Conservation, Ecohydrology, and Ecological Process Modeling of Forest Ecosystems, Editor(s): Qinghua Guo, Yanjun Su, Tianyu Hu, LiDAR Principles, Processing and Applications in Forest Ecology, Academic Press, 2023, Pages 407-442, ISBN 9780128238943

This content aligns with Goal 15: Life on Land by exploring the role and advantages of LiDAR in biodiversity monitoring in forest ecosystems.
This paper sought to explore similarities, variations and determinants of sustainable plastics consumption behavior within a sample of approximately 7600 respondents from eight European countries. We find that most consumers engage in sustainable plastics behavior during the usage phase, by reusing plastic containers and refilling water bottles. The regression analysis suggests that personal responsibility, having high values for nature, being a member of a nature organization and feeling knowledgeable about plastic pollution are important predictors of sustainable plastics consumption.
Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd, and it is a global event aimed at raising awareness and promoting action towards environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and since then, it has become one of the largest civic events in the world, with over one billion people participating in activities such as clean-up campaigns, tree-planting initiatives, and educational programs. The theme for 2023 is Invest in Our Planet, a campaign that will focus on engaging governments, institutions, businesses and individuals in the fight against the climate crisis.

Theriogenology Wild, Volume 2, 2023, 100024

The rescue of wild animals after major environmental disasters is complex and requires an an integrative approach. Conservation scientists describe a successful example that lead to the reproduction of the only pair of Jaguars under reproductive age saved from the devastating Pantanal wildfires that killed over 16.9 million vertebrates in 2018..
Soil organic matter (SOM) can be a helpful indicator of soil health in terms of the impact of land use changes. Kar et al., 2023 examined the soil health after land use conversion in India's North-West Himalayan region by using the stratification ratio (SR) of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen (TN) as indicators. The results indicate that land use change to conventional tillage (CT) significantly reduces SR and SOM, while conservation agriculture (CA) help restore the SR levels closer to those of forest land use. The authors suggest that CA is a suitable alternative to CT for improving soil quality and maintaining sustainable soil management practices. 
Emerging evidence from the western literature suggests an increasing focus on applying nature-based interventions for mental health improvements.

Shalini Rai, Ram Prasad, Chapter 1 - Biology, biodiversity, and biotechnology of Trichoderma, Editor(s): Shalini Rai, Ram Prasad,
New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Elsevier, 2023, Pages 1-28, ISBN 9780323998901

This content aligns with Goal 15: Life on Land by giving an overview of of trichoderma biology, biodiversity, and biotechnological approaches in the extreme conditions of climate.
