Advancing SDGs 2, 12 and 15, this chapter contributes to an understanding of the long-term impacts, challenges and benefits of agronomic practices impacts.
The SDG Impact of COVID-19 podcast series gathers expert opinion exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals. In advance of World Environment Day on June 5th, we get the view of Dr Sam Scheiner, Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Biodiversity.
Elsevier, Biological Conservation, Volume 245, May 2020
If moral concern for nonhuman nature underpins conservation, it is essential to understand how individuals populate their “moral communities,” a core concept from environmental ethics, with various el
Most of the terrestrial world is experiencing high rates of land conversion despite growth of the global protected area (PA) network.
Elsevier, Biological Conservation, Volume 245, May 2020
Refuges and refugia are important to conservation management because of their potential to protect species from difficult-to-manage threats such as changing climate, extreme events (e.g., drought, fir
This study investigates the ostracod assemblages obtained from a sediment core from a paleolake in the Sağlık plain in south-central Anatolia (Turkey). In addition to ostracods, oxygen and.
Climate change and population growth generates a decrease in water availability around the world which can compromise the maintenance of sustainable agriculture.
Forests are key components of the global carbon cycle and dominate mitigation strategies for climate change and biodiversity loss.
Largely driven by the corporate sector, the recent surge of interest in trees as a solution to climate change has a distinct emphasis on planting trees.

Mangrove forests are found on sheltered coastlines in tropical, subtropical, and some warm temperate regions.
