This review article assesses evidences published in the past two years on the links among slow-onset events, food security and poverty as well as the strategies focused on reducing specific problems,
The association of melting Himalayan glaciers and planetary health is complex.
Food is essential to provide energy for human cellular metabolism, and is usually made from plants or animals.
To exceed in sugar consumption is one of the main causes of overweight and obesity, especially for children and adolescent.
Magnesium is one of the most important micronutrients for the human body, is involved in many physiological pathways and is essential for the maintenance of normal cell and organ function.
Reviews and explains the challenges posed by mycotoxins on food safety, which have consequences on the health of consumers and livestock. Also discusses the prospects of mycotoxin outbreaks in a world climate change scenario. Supports SDG 2: Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Background: Almost a quarter of the world's undernourished people live in India.
Poor weaning practice and malnutrition among under 5 (yrs) children are still major public health issues in Bangladesh.
Alternative methods for improving traditional food processing have increased in the last decades.
Over the years, chemical pre-treatments have been used intensively to maintain apple quality and reduce decay during postharvest.