Purpose: In this study, we identify and characterise how organisations have responded, in ways ranging from restoration to radical change, to discontinuities in their product-based service (PBS) suppl

Fruits and vegetables are responsible for about 22% of food losses and wastes along the supply chain (not including the retail level).

Proteins serve as an imperative macronutrient in human nutrition and well-being.

An Article in support of SDGs 2 and 3, identifying the populations whose nutrient needs are most costly to meet, focusing on current food policies and systems

Agriculture's Ethical Horizon (Third Edition), 2022, Pages 1-15

This book chapter advances SDGs 2, 12, and 15 by explaining how those engaged in agriculture must begin to examine and expand agriculture’s ethical horizon—the full range or widest limit of our perception, interest, appreciation, knowledge, and experience. It is necessary to explore agriculture’s intellectual horizon, because our unexamined, ethical position, may limit what agriculture’s ethical horizon defines. This book will encourage those involved in all phases of the agricultural enterprise to initiate and continue discussion of agriculture’s ethical foundation.
Authors measure nutrient content in coral reef fishes in Seychelles and show that reef fish are important sources of selenium and zinc and contain levels of calcium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids comparable with other animal-source foods.
The present review highlights on the issues of hindrances in applicability of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) to the agricultural fields focusing on the mode of functions, maintaining soil and environmental sustainability; interactions with other biofertilizers and impact of various agrochemicals and agro-practices including tillage and crop rotation.
This review critically examines the current state-of-art on use of microbial strains as biofertilizers and the important roles performed by these beneficial microbes in maintaining soil fertility and enhancing crop productivity.
We studied several sustainable alternative protein concentrates and a whey protein concentrate as reference, to determine their protein composition, digestibility and quality using the harmonized INFO
Ketogenic diets consist of low carbohydrate/high fat, shifting energy reliance from glucose to ketone bodies.
