Poor weaning practice and malnutrition among under 5 (yrs) children are still major public health issues in Bangladesh.

Diseases of the Nervous System (Second Edition), 2021, Pages 81-107

This book chapter advances SDG #3 and #10 by introducing the basic foundation of aging, dementia and Alzheimer Disease, including clinical presentation, diagnosis and epidemiology.
Global evidence suggests that maternal vaccination rates are partly related to intersectional gender-related disparities.
Elsevier, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Volume 82, May 2021
With the passing of Royal Decree-Law 16/2012, Spain's national health system switched from a model defined by universal and free health care principles, to a private insurance system that excluded lar

Diseases of the Nervous System (Second Edition), May 2021, Pages 81-107

This book chapter advances SDGs 3 and 17 by introducing the concept of aging, dementia and Alzheimer Disease including the basic science, treatment, mechanisms and clinical trials.

Global Emergency of Mental Disorders, 2021, Pages 353-364

This book chapter advances SDG 3 and 16 by explaining the risk factors that are specific to women with regard to mental disorders. These risk factors include socioeconomic disadvantages, violence, low income and income inequality, lower social status, and responsibilities of caring for children and family members.
This content advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG10 Reducing Inequalities by providing an overview of the shared mobility options for vulnerable groups highlighting access to essential services.

International Encyclopedia of Transportation 2021, Pages 359-363

This content advances SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing and SDG10 Reducing Inequalities by providing an overview of the issues affecting disabled travelers in order to ensure that the design and delivery of transport systems and services take these issues into account.
