The study underscores the importance of understanding VOC emissions from flame retardant industrial parks to address potential carcinogenic risks and formulate effective reduction strategies, contributing to both Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).
This Article supports SDG 3 by highlighting the importance of not just measuring life expectancy but also disability-free life expectancy as an indicator of population health, and showing that in Hong Kong, a word leader in life expectancy, there has been a trend of increasing disability burden, particularly in women. The authors discuss the public health implications of their findings.

Current Opinion in Microbiology, Volume 76, December 2023

Reminder that Biological diversity is important also for health, supporting SDG 3.
This study supports SDG 3, 6, and 16 by providing a comprehensive quantitative analysis of the association between conflict and the incidence of cholera in Yemen, highlighting how conflict-related destruction has compounded water, sanitation, and hygiene issues in Yemen.

Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, Volume 828, January–June 2024, 111849

The present study aims to determine the frequency of G6PD deficiency among SCA patients and the association between them in the tribal community (Gond) of Chhattisgarh, India.
This Article supports SDG 3 by showing that there is a high global seroprevalence of HCV infection among pregnant women (estimated at 2.2–5.3 million cases worldwide), and particularly in lower-income settings. The authors suggest policy implications, such as expanding screening programmes for pregnant women and women of childbearing age, particularly in lower-income settings.
This Article supports SDG 3 by providing estimates of HIV and hepatitis C testing and treatment uptake among people who inject drugs. Data availability was variable, and where data were available, uptake was generally suboptimal, indicating a need for countries to implement targeted interventions to improved testing, linkage to care, and treatment among people who inject drugs
Residents of Australia’s remote regions have lower life expectancies and poorer health outcomes than other Australians. Access to hospital and specialist care frequently requires transport via road or air and time spent away from family and community. The paper explores consumer perspective and identifies areas for improvement.
This article highlights the impact of climate change on health, especially in the context of menopause and aging populations.

First Nations Health and Wellbeing - The Lowitja Journal, Volume 1, 2023, 100003

The Accord comprises nine key principles that guide Aboriginal health research in South Australia: priorities, involvement, partnership, respect, communication, reciprocity, ownership, control, and knowledge translation and exchange. It provides a voice for Aboriginal communities to inform researchers on how they would like health research to be conducted in their communities. Consistently applying the nine principles of the Accord will increase the impact and benefit of health research for Aboriginal people in Australia.
