How adapting math instruction for those with learning disabilities can allow them to increase their understanding of mathematics. Supports SDGs 4 and 10.
Different lines of research have argued that specific groups, such as boys or ethnic minorities, are more prone to develop an anti-school culture than others, leading to group differences in the socia
Figure 1. Prevalence of modern contraceptive methods among women of reproductive age (15–49 years) and demand satisfied with modern contraceptive methods by location, 2019
This Article supports SDG 3, 4, and 5 by highlighting that more than 160 million women aged 15-24 years globally have a need for contraception that is not currently met by existing family planning programs, thus hindering or eliminating their education and employment opportunities.
Racial and Ethnic discrimination effects on adolescent mental health.
Content examines the health and wellbeing of healthcare assistants vs non-healthcare assistants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ties with goal on educating all about mental health and working towards health and wellbeing for all.
Focused on mental health of young people and how it was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Links to good health and wellbeing for all.
An Article in support of all SDGS, particularly SDGs 4, 13, and 17, assessing the interlinkages between the 17 SDGs and climate change.
Increasing recognition within the medical literature and by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education has been attributed to the need for enhanced resident education on concepts related
In the past decade, mental health is embedded in the concept of health and teachers’ mental health has become the focus of surveys.
Establishing sustainable training to strengthen human resources for health for children's nursing in Africa requires stakeholders to navigate complex pathways spanning multiple regulatory systems and
