Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Resistance: Theory, Research, and Practice, 2018, Pages 245-289
Three different programs designed to increase women’s ability to recognize, avoid, and resist sexual assault have demonstrated success in reducing sexual violence in college populations.Contributing to SDGs 3 and 5, this chapter describes and analyses these three programs (the Ohio University Sexual Assault Risk Reduction Program, the Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program, and the Self-Defense from the Inside Out program).
Despite extensive literature on the complex nature of empowerment, current efforts to measure women's empowerment in the agricultural development sector are largely limited to assessing visible forms
The paper makes use of an un-orthodox Lefebvrian formulation of the ‘right to the city’ as it adds the gender dimension which was absent from Lefebvre's work.
Despite the fact that getting a job with a living wage decreases the risk that an individual will commit another crime, society places many barriers to people with criminal records re-entering the workforce. SDGs 8 and 10 includes bringing the formerly incarcerated back as contributing members of society by providing meaningful work. SDG 5 also is impacted, as bias against women with criminal histories is greater than against men. A new study reveals that misconceptions that prevent employers from considering job applicants with criminal histories are not supported by the data; these workers prove to be as good or a better “quality of hire” than employees without a criminal record.
This chapter advances goals 3, 5 and 8 by examining how to balance a need for strong incentives for start-up innovation with the resulting increased inequality of incomes.
In support of goal 5, XpertHR have recorded a webinar that discusses the main findings of the UK Gender Pay Gap Reports, which companies with more than 250 employees 250 employees are expected to produce.
In support of SDGs 3 and 5, this Lancet Commission report presents a comprehensive agenda for global, regional, and national progress on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), up to 2030 and beyond. The report highlights why recognition of, and investment in, SRHR is pivotal to shaping future economic development and environmental sustainability, and proposes an essential package of SRHR services that should be universally available to all individuals who need them.
The #MeToo and #Time’sUp movements are bringing more focus to the issue of equal pay for women causing employers to take gender pay equity more seriously, with some reporting success. This Blog relates to Goal 5, discussing gender equality.
The deadline for employers to report their gender pay gaps passed at midnight on 4 April. At that point, 10,016 organisations had uploaded their data to the government's gender pay gap reporting website.
An XpertHR survey shows that the problem of sexual harassment continues to be a high concern of employers. Providing a safe and legal workplace environment are part of achieving SDGs 5, 8 and 10. This article addresses concerns and offers practical advice on preventing and/or addressing sexual harassment in the workplace.