It is a well-documented phenomenon that a group's gender composition can impact group performance. Understanding why and how this phenomenon happens is a prominent puzzle in the literature.
Many factors have been proposed as potential causes for the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions.
Psychological abuse within intimate relationships is linked to negative health outcomes among women and is frequently identified as more wounding than physical or sexual violence.
This chapter advances SDGs 3, 5 and 16 by offering a call to action to everybody to understand domestic abuse, impacts and factors involved, and psychological needs.
Background: Women across the world are mistreated during childbirth.
Background: Globally, about 30% of women have experienced physical or sexual violence, or both, from an intimate partner during their lifetime.
Norway was the first of ten countries to legislate gender quotas for boards of publicly traded firms.
This book chapter reviews the literature supporting a genetic basis for obsessive-compulsive disorder, advancing SDG 5, gender equality.
Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Volume 36, Issue 4, October 2019, Pages 707-716
This chapter advances goals 5 and 10 by increasing awareness of gender inequality in podiatric medicine.
We focus on how interpersonal characteristics should influence leader support for gender equity in organizations.