To achieve SDG 13 (Climate action), urban areas must reduce energy use and transition to greener energy sources. This One Earth Research Article shows how innovative photovoltaic windows could contribute, especially in buildings with lots of windows. The work also supports supports sustainable industrialization and innovation (SDG 9) and affordable clean energy (SDG 7).
This chapter aligns with Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy and Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth by discussing the chemical recycling and energy recovery of waste plastics.
Mohammadreza Daneshvar, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Kazem Zare, Chapter 9 - A case study in the hybrid energy network with 100 percent renewable energy resources and future directions, Editor(s): Mohammadreza Daneshvar, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, Kazem Zare, Emerging Transactive Energy Technology for Future Modern Energy Networks, Academic Press, 2023, Pages 135-149, ISBN 9780323911337,
This chapter advances UN SDG goals 7 and 11 by supporting clean and sustainable energy and power systems

The annual UN Climate Change Conference advances climate talks, mobilizes action, and can provide a significant opportunity to look at the impacts of climate change as well as innovation and solutions globally. Elsevier is pleased to showcase a large number of freely accessible journal articles and book chapters to help advance research and action against climate change, as well as a podcast episode, in support of COP27.
A review of climate futures. This review helps substantiate how disciplinary and geographical assumptions and norms shape policy choices.
This Article supports SDG 3 and 7 by showing that air pollution exposure increases the risk of almost all phases of cardiometabolic multimorbidity progression.
This Article supports SDG 3 and 7 by estimating the prevalence of solid-fuel use with high spatial resolution to explore subnational inequalities, assess local progress, and assess the effects on health in LMICs without universal access to clean fuels.
This chapter advances Goals 7, 16, and 10 by exploring the tensions between democracy and procedural justice across two diverse case studies from Canada (wind energy) and the United States (oil and gas). The authors identify a common scalar mismatch between the interests and power of those exercising democracy at provincial/state levels and those living locally and impacted by development—straining to have their voices heard.
This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 7, 10, and 16 by suggesting that energy does not only need to be democratized but ultimately, needs to be decolonized from the processes that place fossil fuels in the service of settler capitalism, rather than Diné sovereignty. Such a move might enable movements toward energy justice.
Improving environmental quality through reducing emissions is the central pillar of climate change mitigation and achieving sustainable development goals.