An effective response to climate change demands rapid replacement of fossil carbon energy sources. This must occur concurrently with an ongoing rise in total global energy consumption.
The efficient utilization of clean energy resources to meet increasing electricity demand is imposing the integration of the electricity market and the construction of secure transmission mechanism
In this paper, five most emerging renewable energy sources are analyzed.
This paper discusses the CO2 footprint of California's drought during 2012–2014.

It is a sign of the maturity of the green and biobased chemicals sector that major producers and technology providers are making moves to join the entrepreneurs and start-ups that have been driving the technology forward. This positive trend supports the advancing of SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy.
To advance goal 6 (clean water and sanitation), this chapter explores different desalination processes to make seawater drinkable, which is an obvious solution to any water shortages. Given the high-polluting energy required in the desalination process, solar-desalination technologies is considered.
This chapter advances SDGs 7 and 13 by discussing detection methods for fugitive methane and whether these gases can be captured and used for commercial opportunity.
The Blueprint for Business Leadership on the SDGs aims to inspire all business — regardless of size, sector or geography — to take leading action in support of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It illustrates how the five leadership qualities of Ambition, Collaboration, Accountability, Consistency, and Intentional can be applied to a business' strategy, business model, products, supply chain, partnerships, and operations to raise the bar and create impact at scale. The Blueprint is a tool for any business that is ready to advance its principled approach to SDG action to become a leader. This chapter relates specifically to SDG 7.
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Solar energy conversion using semiconductors to fabricate photovoltaic devices relies on efficient light absorption, charge separation of electron–hole pair carriers or excitons, and fast transport an