Held in partnership with the University of São Paulo, this Elsevier webinar discusses the SDGs and how researchers can incorporate them into their work.

The chemical industry needs to significantly decrease carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in order to meet the 2050 carbon neutrality goal.


Disaster Resilience and Sustainability, Adaptation for Sustainable Development, 2021, Pages 1-20

This book chapter advances SDGs 9 and 11 by explaining how increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters in Asia have become a huge challenge to achieve sustainable development. The main purpose of this chapter is to capture the multidisciplinary and multisectoral aspects of disaster resilience, adaptation strategy, and sustainability, and connect existing data, research, conceptual work, and practical cases on disaster risk management and its linkage with sustainable development under a common umbrella.

Sustainable Resource Management, Modern Approaches and Contexts, 2021, Pages 289-315

This book chapter advances SDGs 9, 13, and 15 by using several economic indicators of sustainable resource management to help answer questions such as what extent is it possible to know whether the available resources are being managed in a sustainable way? Could it be said that current generations are using the resources to meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own?
Elsevier, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 50, June 2021
Loss and Damage studies have tended to focus on rapid-onset events with lesser attention to slow-onset events such as drought.
Along with the impact of energy structure adjustment as well as the coal resource exhaustion in the old mining region, the deformation over the abandoned mine region has severely restricted both the r

Preparing a Workforce for the New Blue Economy, People, Products and Policies, 2021, Pages 3-16

This book chapter advances SDGs 9, 13, and 15 by explaining how the blue economy of the future will be heavily dependent on national investments in ocean sciences, ocean-related technologies, and intelligent national policy creation about the national interest in the world ocean.
This book chapter addresses SDG 9 and 17 by explaining the evolution of the blue economy. From the moment it moved offshore, the oil and gas industry had a requirement for the skills of geotechnical engineers, geoscientists, meteorologists, and oceanographers to ensure that activities were conducted efficiently and safely, and a core element of the new blue economy was created. The migration into deeper water created new challenges, and the industry invests heavily in scientific studies, and research and development, to overcome them. In many cases, oil and gas companies form consortiums that support collaborative research conducted jointly by academic and industry scientists. As the level of engagement with the ocean observing community has grown, the industry has released much of its data into the public domain and supported the development of appropriate degrees and training to ensure that the new blue economy has a capable workforce. As the balance of energy moves away from hydrocarbons to renewable energy sources, and new industries emerge such as deep-sea mining, requiring the services of ocean scientists, the new blue economy created by the oil and gas industry will be well equipped to serve their needs.

Environmental Systems Science, Theory and Practical Applications, 2021, Pages 509-542

This book chapter advances SDGs 9, 13, and 15 by introducing techniques for assessing economics and feasibility to complement the technical and scientific rigor in environmental systems science. This includes attention to project planning and communicating decisions and working with stakeholders and emission reduction and prevention strategies, including fuel-related and air toxics strategies.
Elsevier, One Earth, Volume 4, 21 May 2021
Globally, financial services are well positioned to contribute to the transformation needed for sustainable futures and will be critical for supporting corporate activities that regenerate and promote
