Purpose and setting: Infrastructure is a global multi-trillion dollar market presenting many opportunities and risks for sustainable development.
The process industries have been facing ever increasing pressure in the monitoring and control of gaseous pollutants such as volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants.
Elsevier, Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Volume 3, June 2020
Bio-based aerogels with customizable porosities and functionalities constitute a significant potential for CO2 capture.
Elsevier, Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Volume 3, June 2020
The successful conversion of lignocellulose into value-added products depends on overcoming the recalcitrance of its structure towards enzymatic digestion.

Polymer Science and Innovative Applications, Materials, Techniques, and Future Developments, 2020, Pages 525-543

This chapter supports SDGs 2, 9 and 12 by discussing the critical role that polymeric materials play in terms of food packaging - increasing responsible consumption and sustainability, supporting transport of food, and reducing food waste. The chapter also highlights the latest developments in bio-based/biodegradable food packaging which offers a more sustainable route than traditional synthetic plastic food packaging.
Beyond their traditional use as green solvents, new applications have become available for ionic liquids (ILs) in drug delivery.
There is a wide array of biomass utilisation pathways to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
In this paper, an integrated blockchain-based energy management platform is proposed that optimizes energy flows in a microgrid whilst implementing a bilateral trading mechanism.
The potential of electron-donating capability in methoxy groups of antioxidant containing protein (ACAP) as organic catalyst is restricted by its low isoelectric point.
Although deployments of grid-scale stationary lithium ion battery energy storage systems are accelerating, the environmental impacts of this new infrastructure class are not well studied.
