
How poor mental health in parents can contribute to child neglect..
How too much information can affect mental health by causing distress.

Reference Module in Food Science, 2022

Food security is achieved when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

Indigenous People and Nature, Insights for Social, Ecological, and Technological Sustainability, 2022, Pages 3-27

This chapter provides a comprehensive strategy to assess ecological systems’ involvement in indigenous wellbeing, signifying how natural systems are intertwined with people’s communal, economic, and cultural environments, along with their skills.

Indigenous People and Nature, Insights for Social, Ecological, and Technological Sustainability, 2022, Pages 171-197

Understanding livelihood vulnerability to hydrometeorological hazards is a crucial challenge for policymakers to create a clear foundation for vulnerable coastal residents. Using microlevel livelihood vulnerability research employing LVI and Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index, this chapter measures the magnitude of indigenous peoples' vulnerability to the detrimental consequences of hydrometeorological hazards on socioeconomic conditions.

Indigenous People and Nature, Insights for Social, Ecological, and Technological Sustainability, 2022, Pages 199-216

The indigenous peoples make a lasting impact on the society and people through their activities such as protection of the ecosystem, agriculture, and the maintenance of ethnic origin; these people are faced with many risks regarding health, sanitation, water, climate change, and pandemic. The chapter aims to determine the integration of the indigenous population into society and the functions of social work in this regard.
Viral metagenomics is widely applied to characterize emerging viral pathogens but it can also reveal the virome composition in health and disease. The evaluation of the virome in healthy blood donors can provide important knowledge on possible transfusion threats.
Elsevier, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Volume 183, April 2022
Genistein is a phytoestrogen that, due to its structural similarity with estrogen, can both mimic and antagonize estrogen effects. Early analysis proved that at high concentrations, genistein inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation, thereby suggesting an anticancer activity. Since then, many discoveries have identified the genistein mechanism of action, including cell cycle arrest, apoptosis induction, as well as angiogenesis, and metastasis inhibition.
For World Health Day 2022, RELX's Global Head of Corporate Responsibility, Márcia Balisciano, speaks to Dr. Rebecca Katz on this year's theme of "our planet, our health".
UN World Health Day 2022 logo

Our planet, our health

Are we able to reimagine a world where clean air, water and food are available to all?

Where economies are focused on health and well-being?

Where cities are liveable and people have control over their health and the health of the planet?
