
Improvements in diagnosis and treatment are enabling people with HIV to liver longer; this study seeks to understand the evolution of comorbidities in an ageing cohort of people with HIV.
Front cover of SDG Stocktake report
The United Nations Global Compact-Accenture Global Private Sector Stock take report report offers an appraisal of private sector contributions to the SDGs so far and outlines a clear pathway for private sector action over the next seven years.
In this context, the present study has a primary research objective: to develop a research agenda for entrepreneurial action, identifying key aspects related to STI and the SDGs, and to explore how both concepts are interconnected.

Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Third Edition, 2024, pp 52-63

This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 11 and 15 by reviewing the major impacts people have on urban biodiversity at household, neighborhood, city, and global scales.

Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Third Edition, 2024, pp 152-166

This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 11 and 12 by reviewing the economic importance of biodiversity and the services that it provides to the rest of the economy, then considering the policy options available for better conservation of biodiversity.

Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Third Edition, 2024, pp 674-689

This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 14 and 15 by discussing conservation efforts for mammals, which particularly focus on habitat protection and direct protection. Mammals are often treated as flagships for the rest of biodiversity conservation.
This chapter advances the UN SDG goals 13 and 14 by reviewing the biodiversity of sea cucumber species and the ways in which changing climates and habitats have influenced their biogeographies.

Rehabilitation Robots for Neurorehabilitation in High-, Low-, and Middle-Income Countries
Current Practice, Barriers, and Future Directions
2024, Pages 471-498

This content aligns with Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities by raising the general and ethical issues around access to rehabilitation robot technologies and discusses them in the context of inclusivity—a term that encompasses affordability and other common issues that may justify limiting or increasing use in low-resource settings in HICs and LMICs.
Improving diet quality while simultaneously maintaining planetary health is of critical interest globally. Despite the shared motivation, advancement remains slow, and the research community continues to operate in silos, focusing on certain pairings (diet–climate), or with a discipline-specific lens of a sustainable diet, rather than examining their totality. This review aims to summarize the literature on adherence to a priori defined dietary patterns in consideration of diet quality, metabolic risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), environmental impacts, and affordability.
The environmental burden of food consumption is high in affluent countries like Sweden, and the global food system is accountable for between 21 and 37% of the total anthropogenic global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE). This paper claims that interventions to improve dietary intake and reduce dietary greenhouse gas emissions (dGHGE) are urgently needed and that adolescence presents a unique time in life to promote sustainable diets. Conclucsion are that food choices and dGHGE per calorie differ by sex in adolescents. Thus, intervention strategies to improve dietary sustainability need to be tailored differently to females and males. Diet quality should also be considered when promoting reduced GHGE diets.
