The persistent challenge of aligning mental health services and practices with the principles of the National Mental Health Law remains a central objective.
This paper demonstrates incorporating state institutions, local and international charity organisations, and volunteers, to devise a bespoke approach to care provision using the available resources for people living with autism is a conflict ridden area.
This paper supports SDG 3 and 10 by documenting the high suicide rates among Indigenous people, and younger individuals in particular (aged between 10 and 24) in Brazil, reinforcing the need for specific prevention strategies for these populations.
This paper discusses the burden of the high suicide rates in Guiana - the highest in the world; discussing the complexities of the context and the importance of adopting a biopsychosocial perspective to suicide prevention.
This Series paper supports SDGs 3 and 10 by summarising the state of knowledge on inequalities in care delivery and outcomes for patients with cardiovascular disease in the UK
Standard methodology to detect antimicrobiological resistance genes can help in monitroing and hopefully preventing antimicrobial resistance and improving health.
Examines social equity dimensions of transport policies, including human rights to mobility and road safety. Assesses different governments' policy approaches in relation to these human rights.
This commentary describes the contributions people from minority groups with mental illness can make to mental health research.
This paper explore Aboriginal ancestral narratives, geomorphological interpretations and archaeological evidence relating to the Murray River (Rinta) in South Australia’s Riverland region. It provides an indigeous history for the people.
Hillis is Senior Technical Advisor at the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), and Senior Research Fellow and co-chair of the Global Reference Group on Children Affected by COVID-19 at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.